Aboa Tech Talks webinar in May: Sustainable packaging


The universities in Turku launched in autumn 2021 a joint webinar series focusing on technology and sustainable development. Aboa Tech Talks will highlight new technologies and innovative technological research that can offer solutions to the complex global challenges of our time.

The eigth Aboa Tech Talks – Sustailable packaging webinar is open to everyone interested, including representatives from industry, government, the third sector, researchers and students. UTU will moderate the event and the language is English.

Webinar will be recorded and made publicly available. The previous Aboa Tech Talks -recordings can be seen in Turku Tech Campus webpages (link below)


Programme and speakers

Aboa Tech Talks – Sustainable Packaging

11 May 2023 at 9.00–11.00
Virtual event

Eija Kulju, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Enhancement of customer acceptance by new, sustainable packaging designs

Rajesh Koppolu, Åbo Akademi University
Nanocellulose-based sustainable packaging

Christian Höglund, CH-Polymers Oy
Recyclable coating solutions for paper and board packaging materials

Johanna Salokannel, Novia University of Applied Sciences
Shipping point of view – Packaging a necessary evil?

Host: Johanna Salokannel, Novia University of Applied Sciences / Aboa Mare

No registration needed. Just open the event flyer and click the join the webinar -link. 

Created 27.04.2023 | Updated 27.04.2023