Finland Futures Research Centre welcomes everyone to the UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit 8–12 December


At this Summit, UNESCO is expected to declare Futures Literacy to be an essential 21st Century skill. Like other literacies (e.g. science literacy, data literacy, media literacy) this skill is concerns the futures people, organizations and societies imagine. It is the capability to expand the variety of modes and reasons for imagining futures and identifying opportunities for action in the present.

Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) is taking part in the High-Level Futures Literacy Summit hosted by UNESCO on 8–12 December 2020. Due to the worldwide pandemic, this event is being hosted virtually and is free for all participants. Read more and register to the event here:

The Summit is a virtual event and will unfold over five days, consisting of:

High-level plenary sessions (afternoon of 8 Dec and morning of 9 Dec), where attendees will be able to hear from leading Futures Literacy practitioners around the world including government representatives, academics, and business leaders on how they are advancing this competency in their own context through expert panel discussions.

Expo Agora represents the virtual exhibition space for governments and institutions within Futures Studies and Futures Literacy globally. At the Agora visitors will be able to interact with nearly 100 booths in a specially designed virtual exhibition space.  

  • Welcome to Expo Agora and the FFRC's booth to meet our team of the UNESCO Chair in Learning for Transformation and Planetary Futures. The team will host the booth on 8 Dec at 11–13 [9–11 EET, 10–12 CET], while the booth remains open throughout the 5 days.

Additional live workshops will be available in the Agora from 10–12 Dec. These events will accommodate all time zones, and can be registered for in advance through the Summit platform.  

  • Welcome to join our Agora Event on "Knowledge exchange: How we teach futures studies at the university level in Finland" on Friday 11 Dec at 11–12:30 [10–11:30 EET, 9–10:30 CET],

    Login via Zoom:

    Instructors from Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) at University of Turku share their experience-based knowledge about teaching futures studies at the master's and PhD levels. In 2020, the master's degree curriculum was renewed through an extensive collaborative process. FFRC also offers futures studies courses to other universities via its Finland Futures Academy. FFA has played a significant role in popularizing futures thinking in society. This panel discussion is open to everyone and is intended to people interested in launching or renewing University-level futures studies programs.

Everyone is welcome to attend and invite others who might be interested to attend as well. Online registration is required.


Created 02.12.2020 | Updated 08.12.2020