Great and convenient! - results and actions from the Library's customer satisfaction survey


Turku University Library conducted a customer satisfaction survey in the spring. The number of respondents and their well-reasoned views, and new suggestions have provided a wealth of information about the needs of the Library's users as well as numerous ideas on how the Library should develop its services.

The survey was open in April 2024 for just over three weeks, and 1197 respondents participated. Respondents provided their opinions comprehensively on various library services by evaluating the given statements and recorded over 2500 open comments on different topics.

Respondents came from all faculties and units of the University of Turku. The most responses were received from the Faculty of Education (n=195) and the Faculty of Humanities (n=192), each representing over 18% of the respondents. The largest respondent group was undergraduate students, representing over 61% of the respondents. Library users outside the university community also had the opportunity to respond, and their share of the respondents was nearly 10% (n=114).

Most respondents, about 24%, most frequently used the Feeniks Library, and almost as many, about 23%, used the Educarium Library. Users of all other libraries in the University of Turku were also represented. Just over 8% of respondents reported using only the Library's online services.

Respondents gave the overall level of service provided by the Library a rating of 8.67 on a scale of 1 to 10. Among the customer groups, the highest rating of 9.0 was given by customers outside the University of Turku (n=114), and the lowest overall rating of 8.4 was given by students of the open university (n=57).

Importance and success on the scale

The survey presented several different statements about library services and asked respondents to assess the importance of each issue as well as the Library's success in implementing it. The average scores given were compared with each other. When examining which issues were considered the most important, the following three statements topped the list:

  • Library resources meet my needs. 
    (importance 4.73 / success 4.27)
  • The Volter database is easy to use, and the guidance is adequate.
    (importance 4.64 / success 4.13)
  • The library staff is knowledgeable and can answer my questions. 
    (importance 4.63 / success 4.66)

When examining the statements regarding where there is the greatest difference between the average perceived importance and the average success, i.e., where the Library has not fully met expectations, the following three statements stand out:

  • The availability of course books is adequate. 
    (importance 4.61 / success 3.87)
  • The electronic resources provided by the Library are easy to use 
    (importance 4.58 / success 4.03)
  • I get adequate support in managing my research data. 
    (importance 4.19 / success 3.67)

The Library has best met expectations in providing open training for all, as well as in the expertise of the library staff.

Desire to use the Library regardless of time

When asked what aspects are important in a library visit, the Library's study and workspaces and comprehensive printed materials clearly topped the list. Respondents valued the opportunity to work in silence the most in the Library's premises. The second most important aspect was the ability to reserve a space for group work, and the third most important was having the widest possible opening hours.

Respondents provided a wealth of open feedback, offering both praise and comments on the facilities and their equipment. They expressed wishes for additional spaces and soundproofing, as well as ergonomic furniture, electric desks, chairs with walls, and an increase in the number of power outlets and signage. The Library is reviewing individual improvement suggestions and will utilise the feedback more broadly as it develops its facilities.

bookable spots for individual study (pods, reading rooms with divisions between seats)  

Quiet room to have zoom meetings or to record videos

Although most respondents indicated that the Library's service hours and opening times meet their needs, hundreds of different open responses highlighted the desire to use the Library's facilities in the evenings and on weekends:

It may be great to add a self service borrowing to increase the open time.

more opening hour in weekends. and in working day, upto 22:00.

These wishes have now been addressed, as from the beginning of September, students and staff of the University of Turku have been able to use the Library facilities and borrow materials independently in the evenings and on weekends, according to building access rights. Read the news about opening hours on the University of Turku intranet (requires login) or on the library website

Highlighting information resources and developing Volter

In open responses, the Library's acquired information resources were praised, but issues related to the use of the library's Volter database or access to electronic resources were raised.

It is not always easy to find things on Volter due to too many hits. For example, when you try to search for a book, you may instead get book reviews.

The quick delivery of acquisition requests was also highlighted; however, many respondents found the acquisition request forms difficult to use or did not know how to locate the form. In the future, the Library aims to renew the entire acquisition request process to better meet the needs of the scientific community.

I think more clearly labelled and available information would help to find how to make acquisition requests.

Wishes for content and training

In open responses, there were requests for tips on using information resources, book presentations and recommendations, and information on electronic databases and resources. Training was requested on the availability and accessibility of information, the effective use of Volter, and training aimed at researchers. Artificial intelligence applications and the use of AI in information retrieval also emerged as a popular topic.

I want more training about information searching and research related activity.

[…] I think it is really good that library offers courses on using Volter, and these must not be discontinued. Well done!  […]

The Library thanks you for your ideas and will take your wishes into account when planning various content!

Easier reporting of publication information

Some survey respondents were asked questions about the Library's research services. In open responses, the expertise of the library staff was praised, while the usability of the research information system and challenges related to reporting publication information were highlighted.

The reporting and recording of publication information have now been made easier by introducing a simple CrossRef-DOI search: by entering the publication's DOI number on the publication form, the service automatically retrieves part of the reference information for the form.

Thanks to the staff

In open responses, the Library received hundreds of positive comments about all its services and their availability, as well as the helpful and knowledgeable staff.

The staff are so supportive and they are timely responding to every query.

I am very pleased with the library services and staff, keep up with the amazing work!

It was also highlighted that the Library should continue to communicate about the services available, as this would help information seekers and library users to find the services they need.

Thank you to all respondents!

A deeper analysis of the open responses is underway, and the Library intends to use the feedback in many ways to develop its services. Based on the feedback, either individual, quickly implementable improvements can be made, or it can be used as background information for larger development measures. 

Feedback can still be given via the feedback form, by sending a message to the Library's general address at, or during a visit to the Library's customer service.

Thank you to all respondents!

Created 02.12.2024 | Updated 03.12.2024