International Maritime Conference Organised at University of Turku Tackled Oil Spill Response


An international conference on European maritime research was organised at the University of Turku on 24–25 September. In addition to maritime planning and the technology within, the speeches covered oil spill accident response.

Oil spill accidents occur in the Baltic Sea annually. Professor Dimitrios Dalaklis from the World Maritime University discussed particularly the way different countries should act when oil spill accidents occur. Dalaklis linked oil spill response with the global climate debate and the concern over climate change.

Dalaklis introduced the SBOIL project funded by the EU that aims at enhancing the existing opportunities to react and developing marine protection in the Baltic Sea. Within the project, it has been studied what happens if oil approaches the coast as a result of an accident, and what should be done in such a situation.

The project uses wood fibre material called BioBind that can be used to create a protective wall between the oil spill and the coastline. Biodegradable oil binder material could be targeted at the right spot from the air.

Different countries have different practices for accident situations. According to Dalaklis, it would be important to develop joint training between different countries. In crisis situations, the key thing is to know what to do.

– It’s crucial to understand the nature of the incident. What has happened, when and why, and who needs to be contacted.

Maritime Research Important for University of Turku

The organisers of the event included Professor and Research Director Tommi Inkinen from the Centre for Maritime Studies at the Brahea Centre of the University of Turku. Inkinen was highly pleased with the conference and the speakers.

Sea and Maritime Studies is one of the thematic collaborations in the Strategy of the University of Turku. According to Inkinen, it was great that shipping was covered in the conference through aspects from several different fields.

– Technology, economy, and environment are all fitting perspectives for maritime research.


Text and photos: Sara Harju
Translation: Aura Jaakkola

Created 02.10.2019 | Updated 02.10.2019