Lic.Sc. Rauno Satopää to submit his dissertation on December 20th 2019


Lic.Sc. Rauno Satopää will submit his dissertation “HYVÄN TILINTARKASTUSTAVAN KÄSITTEELLISTÄMINEN JA KÄYTÄNNÖN MUOTOUTUMINEN” for review at University of Turku on Friday 20th of December 2019 at 12 pm (Turkus School of Economics, Lecture Hall LähiTapiola, Rehtoripellonkatu 3, Turku).

Prof. Salme Näsi (University of Tampere) and D.Sc., KHT Tapani Torpo will act as opponents and the custos will be Prof. Hannu Schadewitz (University of Turku). The event will be held in Finnish and the field of the dissertation is accounting and finance.

Created 29.11.2019 | Updated 29.11.2019