Researcher of the month: Päivi Siivonen


CERLI, Centre for Research on Learning and Instruction, and CELE, Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning and Education, present one researcher each month. In December Associate Professor Päivi Siivonen from CELE takes the spotlight.

Currently, I do research on Lean-thinking in knowledge work and employees’ experiences of meaningful work in the media branch. The project (2023-2025) is funded by The Finnish Work Environment Fund. We collected national survey data in the media branch and survey and interview data from our media case organization. At the moment we are analysing the data and writing publications. The final webinar of the project will be held 4.9.2025 – if you got interested, please, save the date!

It is important to study this topic because Lean-thinking has not been formerly studied in the knowledge work of the media branch. The media branch is going through big changes due to digitalization and the organizations have started to apply such practices as Lean in order to boost their processes. On the other hand, meaningful work is increasingly important for employees. Lean -thinking and practices and meaningful work are related in interesting and contradictory ways and our aim is to analyse among other things, how positioning in relation to Lean and experiences of meaningful work intertwine.

As part of my work as a researcher I do research but also more and more administrative work. Planning new projects and applying for funding is also part of my work. Moreover, I teach adult education courses for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. I also teach narrative-discursive methods on these different levels. I supervise master’s theses and doctoral dissertations and lead the adult and higher education (AHE) research group together with Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret. As part of my daily routines I enjoy having lunch and coffee together with my colleagues.

Currently, I collaborate closely with my colleagues in the Lean project Heikki Silvennoinen, Katriina Tapanila and Meri Kotamäki and partners Medialiitto and Sanoma Media Finland. Moreover, I continue collaboration with my colleagues from the University of Eastern Finland, we are interested in narrative methods that we have applied and developed together in our former consortium projects on academic entrepreneurship and higher education graduates’ employability. I also collaborate closely with Michael Tomlinson from the University of Southampton. He will start as a visiting professor at the Department of Education 1.1.2025.

When I don’t do research, I spend time outdoors: walking, running, paddling, cyckling or skiing; I also practice pilates in Educarium on Tuesdays; I read novels, go to the theatre, movies and to see exhibitions; I spend time with my family and friends. I also go on hikes: in September we hiked in Vätsäri wilderness in the north-east of Lapland. In the summer I go to the cottage and do gardening, I grow tomatoes and other veggies in my garden. I also take care of and play with my sweet cats Rusina and Sipi.

My greetings to those involved in sociology of education and educational policy research: The research you are doing is of utmost importance in our era that emphasises the maximization of economic value and benefits also in the context of education. Take every possibility to disseminate your findings so that your work and publications reach other researchers, educators, students and the wider public!

Researcher of the Month is a joint publication series of the Faculty of Education's Centres for Research CERLI and CELE, presenting one researcher once a month. The previously published presentations have been compiled on the series' website.

Created 13.12.2024 | Updated 13.12.2024