Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820 – Database for Gender Studies


How was the life of women during French colonialism in North Africa during the 19th and 20th centuries? How did Chinese women respond to the introduction of Western medicine, brought to China by American women medical missionaries? How was the Filipino women’s activism movement for women’s right to vote? In Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820 -database we can explore world history events, especially colonization, social movements and post-coloniality told from women’s point of view.

Database themes are indigenous women, peace, international governance and international law, social reform and political activism, education, immigration, religion, health and sexuality, race, colonization, post coloniality, work and class identity.

The documents are organized in 12 different clusters, mainly by empire epochs, for example British Empire. A couple of clusters contain documents on settler societies and native women in North America. Study one cluster as a whole or alternatively browse by themes or for example by organization, person or place.

The database consists of both traditional book- and journal material as well as a video material. An interesting part consists of primary sources, such as governmental documents, minutes, diaries, interviews, speeches, letters, photos and maps.

Fore more information see the LibGuide.

The database can be found in the Volter –database.


Created 03.05.2022 | Updated 03.05.2022