High-quality education provides the necessary preparation and skills for studying and working life.

Good teaching sets the stage for learning to learn. Our degrees prepare you for a working life where change is permanent. Knowledge is learned in a real environment and you are trained to critically evaluate it.

The Faculty's education is based on the University of Turku's strategy. Based on the University's strategy, a strategic action plan for the Faculty of Medicine has been developed. Both staff and students have been involved in the development of the action plan.

In curricular work and in the assessment of the achievement of course objectives, competence objectives are important. For each course, the type of learning to be achieved should be documented. A guide for writing learning objectives (10/2019) was created to support teachers in the development of objectives.

Key components

Development of teaching skills of teachers

We offer pedagogical training tailored to the needs of the teaching and guidance staff of the Faculty of Medicine.

Pedagogical courses deepen the understanding of how to organise teaching, and promote the use of diverse teaching methods and new technologies in faculty teaching. Another key element is to support teachers' well-being and motivation.


Curriculum development

At the University of Turku, the curricula are two-year. The curricula are developed under the guidance of the faculty. Each degree programme has its own curriculum.

It is the responsibility of the teaching staff to set and review the competence objectives. In an integrated approach to teaching, competence objectives, teaching methods and assessment go hand in hand and support each other.

A guide for writing learning objectives (10/2019).

Education assessment

The Faculty of Medicine regularly collects feedback on its courses and modules. Education is developed in collaboration with students, who are actively involved in the feedback process. Student feedback is used to gather students' views on teaching.

More information on the faculty feedback system.

The well-being of students is important

The guidance of students in the Faculty of Medicine is provided by the faculty's undergraduate advisors, nursing, medical, dental and biomedical advisors, mentors, teaching assistants, student tutors and course hosts (in the medical, dental and biomedical programmes).

Work-life contancts

The clinical phase of studying medicine and dentistry is very practical. There are inherent links with the world of work. The work-life relevance of the Licentiate of Medicine degree is partly ensured by the advisory board for working life, in which primary care doctors in particular are represented.

Decentralised teaching

The teaching of basic medical and dental training has also been decentralised outside the university hospital to different units. This increases the relevance of the degree to working life and improves the quality of training, for example by allowing smaller group sizes, which makes it possible to teach a wider range of clinical skills.

Students will find it easier to apply for jobs in the provinces in the future, as they will already be familiar with the province and the health services during their basic training. Therefore, decentralised medical training also supports regional workforce policies.

The most extensive decentralised training activities are in Satakunta and Vaasa, in addition to Southwest Finland.