Toni Ahlqvist profile picture
Research Director, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)
Docent, Department of Geography and Geology


+358 29 450 4697
+358 40 573 7398
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

Futures Studies
Technology Foresight
Human Geography
Regional Development and Policy
Economic Geography
Political Geography


Professor Toni Ahlqvist is Research Director of Futures Research at the Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku. He is an Adjunct Professor of Economic Geography and Technological Transformations at the University of Turku.


Prof. Ahlqvist's research focuses on regional planning and policy, spatial political economy, futures studies, and technology foresight. Currently he is working at the university level thematic collaborations Digital Futures and Sea and Maritime Studies. He has lead numerous research projects that have covered, e.g., emerging technologies, construction and uses of futures knowledge in organizations and regions, strategic development of industrial branches, such as forest industry in South Australia, and varied aspects of knowledge-based society. His most recent projects have dealt with potential societal antagonisms of radical emerging technologies and futures of land use planning in Finland. Prof. Ahlqvist’s research has been published in such journals as Technological  Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, New Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geografiska Annaler A: Human Geography, Space and Polity, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Futures, Foresight, and Science and Public Policy.


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The South Australian value chain study (2015)

Appita Journal
Ahlqvist Toni, Kettle John, Roos Göran, Vanderhoek Nafty
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