Keyword: philosophy

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Spiritual traditions need conceptual updating in order to thrive in today’s world


The American philosopher Ken Wilber has suggested that the great religious traditions provide ways of transcending the modern world-knot of being included in a mechanistic universe, instead of living in a meaningful cosmos. For this function to succeed, the traditions need to update many of their central concepts for the twenty-first century. The PhD study conducted by JP Jakonen, MA, argues that Wilber’s Integral Theory helps spiritual traditions to thrive in the intellectual climate of today’s world by going beyond polarity thinking.  

Neuroscience Sparks Discussion on Free Will


Neuroscience is increasing our knowledge of the functioning and structure of the human nervous system at a quickening pace, but at the same time it forces people to consider the motives of their actions and the limits of free will. At the University of Turku, challenges from neuroscience are met with a project combining philosophy, law and psychiatry.