Keyword: online teaching

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

“Teacher Stories” - international survey mapped experiences and online teaching practices of academic teachers during Covid-19 pandemic


“Teacher stories” - Inspiring good practices - a booklet of educator stories presents the experiences and views of 57 academic teachers on online teaching. Through the interviews, we studied how the working and teaching methods changed during Covid-19 pandemic. We focused in good practices, in particular, how online teaching was organised and how the students were engaged into online teaching.

Experiences of challenges and solutions in online teaching will be utilized in the future


At the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, in spring of 2020, universities in Europe moved to distance learning with very short notice and from different situations. The InCompEdu project collected experiences of teachers with an extensive survey: which challenges the sudden change created, solutions found and how online teaching methods developed during the pandemic.

The library’s information retrieval courses work online as well


The COVID-19 pandemic has not slowed down our work at the university library, even though the library premises are in very limited use at the moment. When the university and the library buildings were closed down in a hurry over a year ago, the library staff were equally quick to create substitute processes for face-to-face services. You can reach all of the library specialists online just like before, and search the Volter database for resources that are ever more increasingly available online in electronic format.