Keyword: Faculty of Law

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Call for applications for a doctoral candidate positions


The Doctoral Programme in Law invites applications for two University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS)-funded and two Facultu of Law –funded doctoral candidate positions. Position may begin on 1 January 2015 at the earliest, and the positions are fulfilled for a maximum of four years

Ahmad Ali Ghouri received the Dissertation Prize


Chairman of the Board Satu Astala on the left and LL.D. Ahmad ali Ghouri on the right.​ The other  price receivers Ph.D. Hemmo Laiho, Ph.D. Elisa Närvä, Ph.D. Liisa Seppänen and Ph.D. Ewald Kibler.

Doctoral candidate positions


Call for applications for a Doctoral candidate positions at the University of Turkuy graduate school Doctoral Programme in Law end 30 September.