Asiasana: tutkimuspalvelut

Tämä sivu kokoaa asiasanaan liittyviä sisältöjä.

Kick-off Event for Multidisciplinary Themes


13.3.2025 klo 8.30 - 11.00
The University of Turku multidisciplinary themes bring together researchers and experts from various fields to foster collaboration and new ideas. Now, the themes will present their upcoming activities on 13 March. Come along! Due to catering arrangements, please register at latest 9 March 2025...

European Partnership event in Brussels


9.12.2024 klo 14.00 - 16.30
Join us in an inspiring event exploring how universities are contributing to the European partnerships and how they can work more effectively with companies to achieve the goals of the EU! The European Partnerships bring together the European Commission and the private and/or public partners with...

Africa research funding event


14.11.2024 klo 9.00 - 12.00
Are you interested on applying funding for your Africa themed research or capacity building project? Or just otherwise interested to hear what type of projects there is in Africa among Turku area universities. Come to hear researchers and lecturers’ experiences from various funding instruments. We...

Horizon Europe Health Call networking event


28.11.2024 klo 12.00 - 17.00
Join us on November 28, for a dynamic event dedicated to networking, collaboration, and project development around the Horizon Europe Health calls! This event brings together researchers from diverse disciplines and provides a platform for companies and other stakeholders interested in health...

Well-being of children – tackling inequalities


29.2.2024 klo 14.15 - 16.00
What matters for childrens well-being? How can we tackle inequality in the well-being of children and young people? Join the discussion at the next TalkTogether seminar on Thursday 29 February 2024! The seminar is hosted by the Children, young people and learning strategic profile. Everyone...

EC2U Makeathon


6.5.2024 klo 15.00 - 7.5.2024 klo 18.00
A Makeathon is an engaging and interactive event that brings together participants to collaboratively develop creative solutions within a designated time frame. The primary goal of our Makeathon is to highlight the innovative ability of both the European Alliance and the individual universities and...

Hyvä tieteellinen käytäntö -koulutus


6.11.2023 klo 10.00 - 11.00
Turun yliopisto sitoutui Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunnan uudistettuun Hyvä tieteellinen käytäntö ja sen loukkausepäilyjen käsitteleminen Suomessa -ohjeeseen 1.6.2023. Ohjetta sovelletaan siihen sitoutuneissa organisaatioissa kaikkeen tieteelliseen, taiteelliseen ja muuhun tutkimustoimintaan ja TKI...