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Docent of Clinical Microbiology Antti Hakanen awarded Docent of the Year recognition at the Academic Day of Turku universities


At the joint Academic Day of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University on 22 March 2024, Antti Hakanen, the Docent of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Turku and the Chief of Department at Tyks Laboratories of the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland, was presented with the Docent of the Year recognition.

In Maritime@TSE event views were exchanged on evaluating maritime green growth


The Maritime@TSE research platform of Turku School of Economics continued its exploration of current themes in the maritime sector on February 28th at the Maritime Green Growth – evaluating opportunities and bottlenecks stakeholder event. The purpose of the event was to provide examples this time how in economics research various developments related to the adoption of emission-reducing technologies could be modeled, as well as to identify the opportunities and challenges that companies recognize within this theme.

Entrance exams for universities will be renewed in 2025


Students will soon be able to take one entrance exam and use it to apply to several universities and fields of study. The reform will significantly reduce the number of entrance exams. This will make it possible to adjust the schedule of admissions so that those selected through certificate-based admission do not need to prepare for the entrance exams. Approximately half of the places in the bachelor’s as well as bachelor's and master's degree education at the University of Turku are filled on the basis of entrance exams.

Alexander Mildner found his passion in macrophages


Young Alexander Mildner wanted to be an artist. His parents did not object to the idea but suggested that their son should first go to the University of Göttingen, from where he could transfer to an art school after a year. But things turned out differently. Today, Mildner is one of the world's most cited immunology researchers and an Associate Professor at the InFLAMES flagship of the University of Turku.  

Registration to NCSB2024 is now open!


We warmly welcome you to join us at the NCSB2024, the 22nd Nordic Conference on Small Business Research! The conference will be organized between the 29 and 31 of May in Turku School of Economics. Among other things, the program will feature excellent keynote speeches by Professors Maija Renko and Eero Vaara, topical research from the field of entrepreneurship, and a memorable conference dinner at the beautiful Manilla Culture Factory.

Services at the Turku School of Economics Library expand


The renovation of the Turku School of Economics Library is complete, and the new space called “Holvi” (which translates as “The Vault” in English) on the ground floor will be opened for library users on Wednesday afternoon, 20 March. At the same time, the self-service options will increase: students and staff of the University of Turku will be able to use the TSE library facilities and borrow materials from morning until evening.