Keyword: Press release

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Fish swimming exercises can improve their ability to tolerate global warming (Dissertation: MSc Luca Pettinau, 8.9.2023, biology)

A Doctoral Researcher Luca Pettinau examined whether the heart performance of fish in fish farms can be enhanced with swimming exercises. Regular swimming exercises with moderate exertion improved the heart performance of the fish, as well as their ability to tolerate higher temperatures. Increasing the strain on adult fish also improved the growth and survival of their offspring.

University of Turku and SiloGen launch consortium to build the world’s largest open LLM


The University of Turku and one of Europe’s largest private AI labs Silo AI, with its large language model (LLM) arm SiloGen, are today announcing a large-scale initiative on open and trustworthy LLMs. SiloGen launches a consortium together with TurkuNLP research group to develop a family of open LLMs, including the world’s largest open source LLM. The initiative aims to ensure European digital sovereignty and democratise access to LLMs. 

University of Turku Employs Fifty New Fixed-Term Doctoral Researchers


The University of Turku continues its commitment to promoting high-quality doctoral training by opening up a call for applications for approximately fifty fixed-term doctoral researcher positions. The application period for the positions is 28 August – 15 September 2023. The employment contract begins on 1 January 2024 and will last for a maximum of four years. All current doctoral researchers as well as those who are also applying for the study right for doctoral training can apply for the funded positions.

Paving the way for sustainable agriculture: Fungal-plant symbiosis offers a promising tool to boost crop resilience


Researchers inoculated oilseed rape plants with a species of fungus that is known for its ability to combat pest insects. Utilising the relationship between beneficial fungi and crop plants may introduce a new era of agriculture where the plant resilience is improved and the ecological footprint of traditional/chemical pesticides is minimised.

Investments in business research through Maritime@TSE platform meets the future needs of the maritime sector


Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku is investing increasingly and more systematically in business research building further understanding of the maritime sector’s change dynamics and producing knowledge to support companies' business strategies. From this autumn, Turku School of Economics will strengthen the field through the Maritime@TSE research platform.

Meet the Persian Gold Tarantula: a new species discovery


The Persian Gold Tarantula (Chaetopelma persianum) is a newly described species recently discovered in northwestern Iran. In fact, the “woolly, golden hairs” the scientists observed and examined on a single specimen, were one of the features so unique that it was not necessary for additional individuals to be collected and physically studied. It was clear enough that it was a species previously unknown to the scientific community.