Keyword: The Centre for Language and Communication Studies

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Centre for Language and Communication Studies: Teachers

In Turku, teachers have their offices in Agora, Calonia and Turku School of Economics (TSE). By clicking on the teacher's name, you will find more information about the teacher, e.g. telephone number.

Most of the CeLCS teachers do not have fixed office hours, and students must make an appointment with the teacher by email. Part-time teachers are only available just before and after their lessons.

  • The CeLCS contact information page is here

Welcome to CeLCS' Studia Generalia 2019 lecture series!


As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations CeLCS invites you to join our Studia Generalia lecture series 26.9. - 21.11.2019, 16.15 - 17.45 begins in lecture hall XXII in Agora. NB! First lecture (26 September) starts at 16.00.

On 10.10 and 24.10 there is a podcat only to be accessed from Moodle.

Lectures continue on 31.10 in Natura lecture hall XIV

Communicating Finnish Cultural Richness

Every culture has its cultural richness. Reference to cultural richness means social presence that works in a positive social way. This richness is often taken-for-granted and rarely explained to people from other cultures.


Business Students' Choices of Foreign Languages

​Do internationalisation strategies and student motivation meet?

Foreign language skills and plurilingualism have had a high priority at Finnish universities for a long time, especially at the business schools. Functional skills in foreign languages are necessary both in future working life and for successful research or work periods abroad. 

Language needs

Does the language education of TSE graduates give them the skills to meet the needs of business practice?

The objective of the survey is to clarify the language competence required in the working life of TSE-graduates. Any findings should be exploited for curriculum development.


Plurilingualism in international business communication

PlurilingPlurilingual and intercultural proficiency are a part of the key competences in international business. In companies operating internationally, business people use several languages at the same time, switching and mediating between languages and cultures.


The research project Languages in international business communication LangBuCom


Quality Management in the Centre for Language and Communication Studies

In quality management, the Centre for Language and Communication Studies follows the general rules and practices of the university, supplemented by the Centre’s own rules and guidelines stated in the Best Practice Guidebook. The quality management in the CeLCS is led by the director of the unit.