Keyword: Business collaboration

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Unique collaboration strengthens data-driven life science manufacturing


Business Finland recently granted funding to a 11.7M€ project led by the University of Turku, which seeks to enhance advanced pharmaceutical and life science manufacturing in Finland. The LifeFactFuture project combines world class-excellence of Finnish life science companies, technology companies and academic researchers, and the funding decision demonstrates how public funding for research and development can enable important university–industry research cooperation. The funding decision is among the largest received at the University of Turku in the history of Business Finland.

InFLAMES Corporate Corner maps routes from researcher to entrepreneur


How can a researcher become an entrepreneur, what does the journey require and why should more researchers aim to commercialise their invention? The Corporate Corner event of the InFLAMES Flagship shares stories of how science can become business, told by interesting speakers and companies. The theme for the next Corporate Corner is The Journey of Turning Science into Business, and it will be held on 6 October in Turku.

InFLAMES Corporate Corner delves into the possibilities of novel techniques in medical research


New technologies aim to find revolutionary ways to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. The second InFLAMES Flagship Corporate Corner of 2023 will focus on the topic from the perspectives of both researchers and companies.  The InFLAMES Corporate Corner will take place on 11th May from 12 to 16 at the Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki in Turku. The event is open to all.

New project accelerates digital transformation in the pharmaceutical and life science industry in Finland


The goal of the co-creation project, led by the University of Turku, is to develop solutions that will secure the industry's international competitiveness in the future. The pharmaceutical industry is a significant employer in Finland and a source of economic growth and income, especially in Southwest Finland. The University of Turku’s strategic partner Bayer Oy is already committed to the project.

New RDI vouchers support cooperation with Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences in Turku


The TechCampus Turku has established an RDI service (research, development, and innovation) to facilitate cooperation between universities and universities of applied sciences and small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in the region. Now, the service has opened an application process in which companies can apply for 5,000-euro RDI vouchers for joint research projects and analysis services, among other things.