Keyword: Symposium

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Kemian kevät 24


23.4.2024 at 8.30 - 26.4.2024 at 15.00
Turun yliopiston Kemian laitoksen Kemian kevät 24 järjestetään 23.-26.4. teemalla Huominen horisontissa. Tänä vuonna esiintyjämäärä on ennätyssuuri ja LuK- ja FM-opintojaan päättävien opiskelijoiden esitelmiä kuullaankin neljän päivän ajan Päärakennuksen Tauno Nurmela -salissa (Luentosali I). FM...

SELMA Symposium: Narrative Imaginaries of the Middle East


2.4.2024 at 13.00 - 16.30
In this symposium, Middle Eastern, more specifically Palestinian, Irani and Iraqi, literatures and narrative imaginaries are explored from several intersecting perspectives: those of an essayist/actor/activist, a scholar, and a translator. The aim is to make space for dialogue and the exchange of...

Diversity in human diversity minisymbosium


21.8.2023 at 11.00 - 17.00
Diversity in Human Diversity seminar, organized by the University of Turku, on the 21st of August. The interdisciplinary seminar will focus on current topics in digital humanism and linguistics as well as computational methods. The event is in a hybrid format. The Zoom-link will be sent to those...

Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium


13.12.2023 at 9.00 - 16.00
We invite researchers and professionals from various disciplines to the Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium. This event aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of patient education, health promotion and citizen empowerment. This event celebrates the 15th...