Keyword: Cultural History

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Aboagora 2023 "Void"


23.8.2023 at 10.00 - 25.8.2023 at 19.00
Aboagora brings together academia, the arts and society. This exciting annual event consists of interdisciplinary discussions and performances that combine scholarly and artistic viewpoints. Aboagora offers a forum for researchers, artists and the public to establish new dialogues and discover new...

Collaboration at the Department of Cultural History

The Department of Cultural History collaborates both nationally and internationally. The closest partners of co-operation include other departments in the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies and the Faculty of Humanities in the University of Turku.  The Department also collaborates with other faculties of the University of Turku, the Open University, and other Finnish universities. 

Research at the Department of Cultural History

Research at the Department is based on the idea of freedom of scholarly inquiry. We carry out high-quality research, co-operate internationally and work for the advancement of scholarly debate across disciplines. We cultural historians take into account the many-layered nature of time as we analyse the continuities and changes in the past. Our department is always active in the development of new research methods.

Studying at the Department of Cultural History

The Department of Cultural History trains experts who understand both history and culture. Our students acquire skills for critical and innovative historical research and writing. Our alumni work in the public and private sector as teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and experts in various cultural fields.

Department of Cultural History

Cultural history is a field of study which focuses on both history and culture. It is interested in the ways people of the past thought and lived in the world. At the University of Turku, we offer cultural history as a major subject on BA, MA and PhD levels. The Department of Cultural History trains experts both for the public and private sector: our alumni work as entrepreneurs, teachers, museum experts, recearchers, and in various positions in the vast cultural field that the present information society creates.