Keyword: collaboration

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Visit to Tanzania highlighted the results of university cooperation – long-standing cooperation to be expanded


A group of Finnish university rectors and researchers visited Tanzania to learn about the results of an eight-university development project and two decades of successful research and education cooperation between the Universities of Turku and Dar es Salaam. Future cooperation opportunities will be discussed at a workshop in May. 

First joint sustainability event brought together experts from higher education institutions in Turku


The higher education institutions in Turku area, i.e. University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University and Novia University of Applied Sciences, organised a joint sustainability event on 19 September 2023. Students, researchers and staff from all universities were invited to participate, discuss and learn about sustainability.

The Rectors of Turku Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences visited Brussels to Meet Key EU actors


The purpose of the visit was to maintain and strengthen the visibility and cooperation of the Turku Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences with relevant EU actors in Brussels. Furthermore, the goal was to ensure that the voices of the higher education institutions are being heard in the decision-making processes and that necessary support from the EU is received in the future.

University of Turku Deepens Partnerships with Tanzanian Universities to Manage the Risks of Climate Change


University of Turku deepens its partnerships with Tanzanian universities to accelerate digitalization and to manage the risks of climate change. Members from five Tanzanian universities, the Tanzanian government and the World Bank visited the University of Turku in the first week of September. The aim of the visit was to deepen the long-lasting institutional partnership between the universities, especially through the joint World Bank -funded Resilience Academy collaboration. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Thursday September 1st.