Baoru Yang profile picture
Professor, Food Sciences


+358 29 450 2917
+358 45 273 7988
Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 C

Areas of expertise

Biochemistry and Chemistry of Lipids
Chemistry and Bioactivities of Polyphenols
Impact pf Growth Environment on Northern Food Crops
Quality and Health Effects of Food
Food Metabolomics


Professor Baoru Yang (Female) holds a PhD degree in Food Chemistry from the University of Turku, Finland. Previous education includes BSc. and MSc. degrees in Agronomy from Beijing Agricultural University, China (Nowadays, China Agricultural University) as well as MSc. Degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at University of Turku, Finland.

Professor Baoru Yang is the Head of the Food Chemistry and Food Development Unit, leading the research in Food Sciences and the two education programmes: Food Chemistry (MSc., PhD) and Food Development (MSc.-Tech, DSc.-Tech). 

Professor Baoru Yang acts as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turku, responsible for international cooperation, doctoral education, and societal interactions. She is a member of Steering Committee of Doctoral Education at University of Turku.

Professor Yang has a strong network of international cooperation with collaborators from different regions of the world. She is the Coordinator of the Finnish-Chinese Network of Excellence in Food Quality and Safety and the Director of the Finnish-Chinese Center for Berry Research.

Professor Yang worked over ten years as a Research Director in food companies in Finland and China. She has extensive experience in leading large international research projects and special expertise in collaboration with industrial partners.


Chemistry and Analysis of Lipids, Bioactive Secondary Metabolites, Food Chemical Safety, Food Development  


Professor Yang has worked for over 20 years in research on composition, quality and health effects of food. She has strong expertise in the chemistry and biochemistry of lipids, polyphenols as well as other secondary metabolites contributing to sensory properties and health effects of food. She adopts state-of-art targeted and non-targeted metabolomics approaches in her research using the modern tools of chromatography, mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy. A special focus is on food development research based on sustainable utilization of natural resources from the land, forest and the sea.


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European Union legislation on macroalgae products (2021)

Aquaculture International
Lähteenmäki-Uutela Anu, Rahikainen Moona, Camarena-Gómez María Teresa, Piiparinen Jonna, Spilling Kristian, Yang Baoru
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