Derya Duran profile picture
English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies
University Lecturer, English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies


+358 29 450 3155
+358 50 479 2055

Areas of expertise

Language and social interaction
Conversation analysis
Educational discourse (EMI classrooms, ESL tutorials, robot-assisted language learning)


I am a lecturer in the Department of English, University of Turku. My research aims to discover how human social conduct is organized, coherent and meaningful. I use the methods of conversation analysis to examine video recorded naturally occurring interactions between people coming together to do work in educational settings, focusing on how they create and maintain social and professional relationships in those contexts. My research spans various datasets, including English-medium instruction classrooms, ESL tutoring sessions, and robot-assisted language learning settings. I am currently investigating how social robots, as language learning companions for children might transform educational practices in Swedish-speaking primary schools in Finland.


Classes Taught (only UTU listed)

English Language and Linguistics

Theories of Second Language Learning

Academic Writing and Speaking

Language Learning Research (team-taught)

Technologies in Language Learning and Teaching (team-taught)

Second Language Acquisition Methodology (team-taught)


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