Professor, Materials Research Laboratory
Professor, Head of Materials Research Laboratory


+358 29 450 4281
+358 50 339 6892
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Synchrotron radiation
ion mass spectroscopy
electron spectroscopy
coincidence spectroscopy
molecular dynamics
ultrafast processes
radiation damage
molecular structure;


My research is focussed on fundamental studies of the interaction of small quantum systems (such as molecules, multimers of biomolecules, small clusters) with light -- x-rays and ionizing UV radiation.The ultrafast processes that occur in the femtosecond-scale following the absorption of energy are the key for understanding many phenomena such as radiation damage in DNA and other biomolecules, light-activated processes (such as vision or many catalytic processes) but also the action and efficiency of radiosensitizing agents in cancer therapy.

Our research is based on advanced spectroscopic methods such as multiparticle coincidence spectroscopy, actively utilizing large international infrastructures: SACLA free-electron laser in Japan,  EuXFEL in Germany, MAX-IV synchrotron in Sweden. We are also active in designing and building new instruments for these facilities. The research is carried out withing the framework of large international collaborations, closely involving also theoretical calculations and modeling.


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Exploring the ultrafast and isomer-dependent photodissociation of iodothiophenes via site-selective ionization (2024)

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Razmus Weronika O., Allum Felix, Harries James, Kumagai Yoshiaki, Nagaya Kiyonobu, Bhattacharyya Surjendu, Britton Mathew, Brouard Mark, Bucksbaum Philip H., Cheung Kieran, Crane Stuart W., Fushitani Mizuho, Gabalski Ian, Gejo Tatsuo, Ghrist Aaron, Heathcote David, Hikosaka Yasumasa, Hishikawa Akiyoshi, Hockett Paul, Jones Ellen, Kukk Edwin, Iwayama Hiroshi, Lam Huynh V. S., McManus Joseph W., Milesevic Dennis, Mikosch Jochen, Minemoto Shinichirou, Niozu Akinobu, Orr-Ewing Andrew J., Owada Shigeki, Rolles Daniel, Rudenko Artem, Townsend Dave, Ueda Kiyoshi, Unwin James, Vallance Claire, Venkatachalam Anbu, Wada Shin-ichi, Walmsley Tiffany, Warne Emily M., Woodhouse Joanne L., Burt Michael, Ashfold Michael N. R., Minns Russell S., Forbes Ruaridh
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Isotope effects in dynamics of water isotopologues induced by core ionization at an x-ray free-electron laser (2023)

Structural Dynamics
Guillemin R., Inhester L., Ilchen M., Mazza T., Boll R., Weber Th., Eckart S., Grychtol P., Rennhack N., Marchenko T., Velasquez N., Travnikova O., Ismail I., Niskanen J., Kukk E., Trinter F., Gisselbrecht M., Feifel R., Sansone G., Rolles D., Martins M., Meyer M., Simon M., Santra R., Pfeifer T., Jahnke T., Piancastelli M. N.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Photodissociation of bromine-substituted nitroimidazole radiosensitizers (2023)

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Pihlava Lassi, Berholts Marta, Niskanen Johannes, Vladyka Anton, Kooser Kuno, Stråhlman Christian, Eng-Johnsson Per, Kivimäki Antti, Kukk Edwin
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Direct momentum imaging of charge transfer following site-selective ionization (2023)

Physical Review A
Allum F., Kumagai Y., Nagaya K., Harries J., Iwayama H., Britton M., Bucksbaum P.H., Burt M., Brouard M., Downes-Ward B., Driver T., Heathcote D., Hockett P., Howard A.J., Lee J.W.L., Liu Y., Kukk E., Mcmanus J.W., Milsesevic D., Niozu A., Niskanen J., Orr-Ewing A.J., Owada S., Robertson P.A., Rudenko A., Ueda K., Unwin J., Vallance C., Walmsley T., Minns R.S., Rolles D., Ashfold M.N.R., Forbes R.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Alternative Pathway to Double-Core-Hole States (2023)

Physical Review Letters
Ismail Iyas, Ferté Anthony, Penent Francis, Guillemin Renaud, Peng Dawei, Marchenko Tatiana, Travnikova Oksana, Inhester Ludger, Taïeb Richard, Verma Abhishek, Velasquez Nicolas, Kukk Edwin, Trinter Florian, Koulentianos Dimitris, Mazza Tommaso, Baumann Thomas M., Rivas Daniel E., Ovcharenko Yevheniy, Boll Rebecca, Dold Simon, De Fanis Alberto, Ilchen Markus, Meyer Michael, Goldsztejn Gildas, Li Kai, Doumy Gilles, Young Linda, Sansone Giuseppe, Dörner Reinhard, Piancastelli Maria Novella, Carniato Stéphane, Bozek John D., Püttner Ralph, Simon Marc
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))