Hanindyo Kuncarayakti profile picture
Academy Research Fellow, Tuorla Observatory
Docent, Department of Physics and Astronomy


+358 29 450 4517
+358 50 412 5819
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

observational astrophysics
stellar populations


I completed my PhD at the University of Tokyo in 2013. Afterwards, I briefly worked at Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), University of Tokyo, before moving to Universidad de Chile as a FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellow. I moved to Finland in late 2016 for a postdoctoral fellowship at the Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO (FINCA), University of Turku. I am now an Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of Turku.


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The extraplanar type II supernova ASASSN-14jb in the nearby edge-on galaxy ESO 467-G051 (2019)

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Meza N, Prieto JL, Clocchiatti A, Galbany L, Anderson JP, Falco E, Kochanek CS, Kuncarayakti H, Sanchez SF, Brimacombe J, Holoien TWS, Shappee BJ, Stanek KZ, Thompson TA

Nicolás Meza, J. L. Prieto, A. Clocchiatti, L. Galbany, J. P. Anderson, E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek,
H. Kuncarayakti, S. F. Sánchez, J. Brimacombe, T. W.-S. Holoien, B. J. Shappee,
K. Z. Stanek, T. A. Thompson
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

FDST spectroscopic classification of SN 2019gfm #12844 (2019)

Frohmaier C, Pursiainen M, Gutierrez C P, Angus C, Chen T-W, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Anderson J, Cartier R, de Jaeger T, Galbany L, Grayling M, Gonzalez-Gaitan S, Kuncarayakti H, Lyman J, Muller-Bravo T, Pursiainen M, Roy R, Schweyer T, Smith M, Sullivan M, Wiseman P
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

J-PLUS: The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (2019)

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Cenarro AJ, Moles M, Cristobal-Hornillos D, Marin-Franch A, Ederoclite A, Varela J, Lopez-Sanjuan C, Hernandez-Monteagudo C, Angulo RE, Ramio HV, Viironen K, Bonoli S, Orsi AA, Hurier G, San Roman I, Greisel N, Vilella-Rojo G, Diaz-Garcia LA, Logrono-Garcia R, Gurung-Lopez S, Spinoso D, Izquierdo-Villalba D, Aguerri JAL, Prieto CA, Bonatto C, Carvano JM, Chies-Santos AL, Daflon S, Dupke RA, Falcon-Barroso J, Goncalves DR, Jimenez-Teja Y, Molino A, Placco VM, Solano E, Whitten DD, Abril J, Anton JL, Bello R, de Toledo SB, Castillo-Ramirez J, Chueca S, Civera T, Diaz-Martin MC, Dominguez-Martinez M, Garzaran-Calderaro J, Hernandez-Fuertes J, Iglesias-Marzoa R, Iniguez C, Ruiz JMJ, Kruuse K, Lamadrid JL, Lasso-Cabrera N, Lopez-Alegre G, Lopez-Sainz A, Maicas N, Moreno-Signes A, Muniesa DJ, Rodriguez-Llano S, Rueda-Teruel F, Rueda-Teruel S, Soriano-Laguia I, Tilve V, Valdivielso L, Yanes-Diaz A, Alcaniz JS, de Oliveira CM, Sodre L, Coelho P, De Oliveira RL, Tamm A, Xavier HS, Abramo LR, Akras S, Alfaro EJ, Alvarez-Candal A, Ascaso B, Beasley MA, Beers TC, Fernandes MB, Bruzual GR, Buzzo ML, Carrasco JM, Cepa J, Cortesi A, Costa-Duarte MV, De Pra M, Favole G, Galarza A, Galbany L, Garcia K, Delgado RMG, Gonzalez-Serrano JI, Gutierrez-Soto LA, Hernandez-Jimenez JA, Kanaan A, Kuncarayakti H, Landim RCG, Laur J, Licandro J, Neto GBL, Lyman JD, Apellaniz JM, Miralda-Escude J, Morate D, Nogueira-Cavalcante JP, Novais PM, Oncins M, Oteo I, Overzier RA, Pereira CB, Rebassa-Mansergas A, Reis RRR, Roig F, Sako M, Salvador-Rusinol N, Sampedro L, Sanchez-Blazquez P, Santos WA, Schmidtobreick L, Siffert BB, Telles E, Vilchez JM, Vilchez JM, Telles E, Siffert BB
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

ePESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients #12371 (2019)

Rodriguez O, Pignata G, Gromadzki M, Chen TW, Anderson J, Kuncarayakti H, Prentice S, Arcavi I, Inserra C, Kankare E, Maguire K, Smartt SJ, Yaron O, Manulis I, Young DR, Tonry J, Denneau L, Heinze A, Weiland H, Stalder B, Rest A, Smith KW, McBrien O, Wright DE
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

A Rapidly Declining Transient Discovered with the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (2019)

Astrophysical Journal
Tominaga N, Morokuma T, Tanaka M, Yasuda N, Furusawa H, Tanaka M, Jiang JA, Tolstov A, Blinnikov S, Doi M, Iwata I, Kuncarayakti H, Moriya TJ, Nagao T, Nomoto K, Noumaru J, Takata T
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Transient Classification Report for 2019-02-27 (2019)

Angus C, Roy R, Frohmaier C, Galbany L, Gutierrez CP, Muller-bravo T, Inserra C, Anderson J, Cartier R, Chen TW, Jaeger TD, Gonzalez-gaitan S, Grayling M, Kuncarayakti H, Lyman J, Pastorello A, Pursiainen M, Schweyer T, Smith M, Sullivan M, Wiseman P
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

FDST spectroscopic classification of SN 2019dwp #12740 (2019)

Frohmaier C, Kuncarayakti H, Pursiainen M, Wiseman P, Inserra C, Gutierrez, C P, Anderson J, Angus C, Cartier R, Chen T-W, de Jaeger T, Galbany L, Gonzalez-Gaitan S, Grayling M, Lyman J, Muller-Bravo T, Pastorello A, Roy R, Schweyer T, Smith M, Sullivan M
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients #12828 (2019)

Frohmaier C, Swann E, Short P, Nicholl M, Kuncarayakti H, Gromadzki M, Galbany L, Anderson J, Bravo T, Muller
Chen TW, Inserra C, Kankare E, Yaron O, Young DR, Manulis I, Tonry J, Denneau L, Heinze A, Weiland H, Stalder B, Rest A, Smith KW, Smartt SJ, McBrien O, Srivastav S
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))