Harri Niinikoski profile picture
Professor, Institute of Biomedicine
Professor, Nutrition in Medicine (Institute of Biomedicine)


Areas of expertise

Childhood endocrinology and nutrition
inherited metabolic diseases
neonatal screening
prevention of cardiovascular risk factors.


Professor Harri Niinikoski graduated from the Medical School at the University of Turku in 1991, where he also specialized in Pediatrics in 2000 and received subspecialty in Pediatric Endocrinology in 2006. He defended his thesis on prevention of cardiovascular risk factors in childhood in 1997 (The STRIP study). He did his post-doc training at the Childhood Nutrition Research Center at the Baylor School of Medicine, Houston, Texas, in 2001-2003. Subsequently, he worked as a Senior Clinical Researcher and Clinical Lecturer at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Turku, and in 2011-2015 as the Head of the Division of Pediatric Care in Turku University Hospital. From 2015, he has been Professor of Nutrition in Medicine


In 2006-2010, Harri Niinikoski worked as a full-time teacher of pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Turku.


Professor Harri Niinikoski’s research interest focus on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, and childhood nutrition, endocrinology and metabolism. Moreover, he has been closely involved in launching the neonatal metabolic screening program which started in Finland in 2015.

Main research projects are 1) The STRIP study (The Special Turku coronary risk factor Intervention Project) which started in 1990 and involved 1062 infants which were randomized into nutrition an intervention or a control group. He is deputy P.I. in STRIP; 2) DIARA2 study which involves 317 children (217 in Turku, 100 in Oulu) whose mothers were treated with either metformin or insulin due to gestational diabetes. The children are now thoroughly investigated at 9 years of age; 3) LPI study. Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI) is a rare metabolic disease which belongs to the Finnish disease heritage. There are approx. 50 Finnish patients who are annually studied at the Turku University Hospital pediatric metabolic outpatient clinic; 4) Congenital hypothyroidism study. CH has been screened in Finland since 1980, affects 1:2000 newborns and is treated with thyroxine. The outcome of the treatment of CH is investigated in national CH study which is launched in 2018.


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Tehohoitopotilaan ravitsemushoito (2021)

Ala-Kokko Tero, Bäcklund Minna, Schwab Ursula, Niinikoski Harri, Uusitupa Matti
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Determining the timing of pubertal onset via a multicohort analysis of growth (2021)

Syrjälä Essi, Niinikoski Harri, Virtanen Helena E, Ilonen Jorma, Knip Mikael, Hutri-Kähönen Nina, Pahkala Katja, Raitakari Olli T, Rodprasert Wiwat, Toppari Jorma, Virtanen Suvi M, Veijola Riitta, Peltonen Jaakko, Nevalainen Jaakko
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Lysinuurinen proteiini-intoleranssi (2021)

Tanner Laura, Kärki Mari, Heikkilä Jaana, Niinikoski Harri
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))