University Research Fellow, History and Archaelogy
Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies


+358 29 450 2996
+358 50 566 7916
Akatemiankatu 1


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Alkusanat (2020)

Visa Immonen, Henrik Asplund, Janna Jokela, Tanja Ratilainen
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Widespread exploitation of the honeybee by early Neolithic farmers (2015)

Roffet-Salque M, Regert M, Evershed RP, Outram AK, Cramp LJE, Decavallas O, Dunne J, Gerbault P, Mileto S, Mirabaud S, Pääkkönen M, Smyth J, Šoberl L, Whelton HL, Alday-Ruiz A, Asplund H, Bartkowiak M, Bayer-Niemeier E, Belhouchet L, Bernardini F, Budja M, Cooney G, Cubas M, Danaher EM, Diniz M, Domboroczki L, Fabbri C, Gonzalez-Urquijo JE, Guilaine J, Hachi S, Hartwell BN, Hofmann D, Hohle I, Ibanez JJ, Karul N, Kherbouche F, Kiely J, Kotsakis K, Lueth F, Mallory JP, Manen C, Marciniak A, Maurice-Chabard B, McGonigle MA, Mulazzani S, Ozdoğan M, Perić OS, Perić SR, Petrasch J, Petrequin AM, Petrequin P, Poensgen U, Pollard CJ, Poplin F, Radi G, Stadler P, Stauble H, Tasić N, Urem-Kotsou D, Vuković JB, Walsh F, Whittle A, Wolfram S, Zapata-Pena L, Zoughlami J
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))