Joonas Vanhala profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies
FM, TM / MA, MTh


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

Roman insults
Pompeian graffiti
Roman daily life
Roman epigraphy


I graduated with a Master of Theology from Åbo Akademi University in 2015, focusing mainly on the theology and the writings of the early Christian church. In 2019 I graduated with a Master of Arts from University of Turku with a major in Latin philology and minors in Greek philology and education. I have been teaching Latin in various schools in Turku on the secondary and university levels since 2007.

I began my doctoral research in the fall of 2020. During the academic year 2021–2022 I was a fellow at the Finnish Institute in Rome. I've worked as a salaried PhD researcher at University of Turku since September 2022. I'm also a member in a research project at the Finnish Institute in Rome studying the development of Ostia, Rome's harbour city, in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages.


My PhD research at the University of Turku focuses on Roman insults and stereotypes in the poems of Martial and Pompeian wall inscriptions. The working title of my dissertaition is "From Stereotypes to Insults – Contextualizing Popular Invective in the poems of Martial and Pompeian Graffiti".


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Roomalaisia herjauksia ja stereotypioita (2020)

Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkolehti
Joonas Vanhala
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