Juha Plosila profile picture
Professor, Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Head of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Unit
Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASL): https://asl.utu.fi/


+358 29 450 2621
+358 50 383 9453
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

autonomous systems
unmanned vehicles
embedded systems
cyber physical systems
internet of things
smart systems
fog/edge computing
multi-agent systems
network on chip
system on chip
multiprocessor system on chip
chip multiprocessors
heterogeneous systems
reconfigurable computing
digital circuits and systems
formal methods


Dr. Juha Plosila (born 1965) is Professor (full) in autonomous systems and robotics and the head of the Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASL) research group (https://asl.utu.fi/) and Smart Systems (formerly Embedded Electronics) cost centre at the University of Turku (UTU) Department of Computing (formerly Department of Future Technologies) since 2019. He received his PhD in electronics and communication technology from UTU in 1999 and his Adjunct Professor (Docent) title in digital systems design in 2006. He held a 5-year position of Academy Research Fellow (Academy of Finland) in 2006-2011 and served as a senior University Lecturer in embedded computing at UTU in 2011-2018. During his tenure at UTU since 2000, he has led many externally funded research projects, supervised more than 20 PhD theses, and served in the management committees of several master's programmes. Plosila has been an active participant in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) knowledge and innovation community EIT Digital since 2011, leading the EIT Digital Master Programme in Embedded Systems (a European double-degree programme with 6 partner universities) and representing UTU in the EIT Digital Finland Node Strategy Committee. 


Lecturer for 18 different courses since 1999 in the fields of digital circuit and system design, multiprocessor architectures, computer architectures, reconfigurable computing, embedded systems, modelling and verification, as well as autonomous systems:  

Autonomous Systems Architectures, MSc-level, 5 ECTS (2019- ); Regonfigurable Computing, MSc-level, 5 ECTS (at Fudan University, China, 2013- ); Processor Architectures, BSc-level, 5 ECTS (2020); Computer Architectures and Operating Systems, BSc-level, 4 ECTS (2017-2019), Multiprocessor Architectures, MSc-level, 5 ECTS, (2006, -08, -10, 2012-2018); System on Chip Design, MSc-level, 5 ECTS (2015-2016);  Seminar on Embedded Computing, MSc/PhD-level, 5 ECTS (2012-2014); Modelling Parallel Systems, MSc-level (2011); Formal System Modelling and Verification, MSc-level, 5 ECTS, (2008, -10); Post Graduate Course on Digital Circuit & System Design, PhD-level; 5 ECTS (2009); Advanced Multiprocessor Systems, MSc-level, 5 ECTS (2009); System Verification, MSc-level, 5 ECTS (2007); Computer Architectures, BSc-level, 7 ECTS (2006-2007); Asynchronous System Design, MSc-level, 5 ECTS (2003, -05, -07); Formal System Specification and Design, MSc-level; 10 ECTS (2004, -06); Digital Integrated Circuit Design, BSc-level, 7 ECTS (2000-2005); Digital Systems Engineering, MSc-level, 10 ECTS (2001, -02, -04);  Principles of Digital Design, BSc-level, 5 ECTS (1999-2000, -04).


Plosila's current research interests include intelligent adaptive and reconfigurable multi-processing platforms, self-aware multi-agent monitoring and control, machine-learning and optimization, as well as application of heterogeneous energy efficient architectures to new computational challenges in the areas of cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things, with a special focus on autonomous multi-robot systems and fog/edge computing. He also has a strong background in network-on-chip design and formal mehods for system design and verification. 

Google Scholar statistics: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=em4kCrUAAAAJ&hl=en 


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Partial Swarm SLAM for Intelligent Navigation (2022)

International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Yasin Jawad N., Mahboob Huma, Jokinen Suvi, Haghbayan Hashem, Yasin Muhammad Mehboob, Plosila Juha
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))

How to run a world record? A Reinforcement Learning approach (2022)

European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Proceedings: European Conference for Modelling and Simulation
Shahsavari Sajad, Immonen Eero, Karami Masoomeh, Haghbayan Mohammadhashem, Plosila Juha
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))