Juho Pelto profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Data analytics
Doctoral Researcher, Statistics
Statistical analysis methods for microbiome data



I started to study theoretical physics in 2002 and graduated (MSc) in 2010. In 2011 I started to study statistics and I graduated (MSc) in 2016. In 2020 I started my doctoral studies in statistics.


I have worked as a teaching assistant on a few courses (Bayesian computation, Bayesian inference and mixed models). I have also teached in a couple of workshop courses about basic statistics.


I study and develop statistical analysis methods for microbiome data.


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Neonatal Amygdala Volumes and the Development of Self-Regulation from Early Infancy to Toddlerhood (2021)

Nolvi Saara, Tuulari Jetro J., Pelto Juho, Bridgett David J., Eskola Eeva, Lehtola Satu J., Hashempour Niloofar, Korja Riikka, Kataja Eeva-Leena, Saunavaara Jani, Parkkola Riitta, Lähdesmäki Tuire, Scheinin Noora M., Fernandes Michelle, Karlsson Linnea, Lewis John D., Fonov Vladimir S., Collins D. Louis, Karlsson Hasse
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))