Jukka Sarjala profile picture
Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
History and Archaelogy
Ph.D., Associate Professor


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

Cultural history of the nineteenth-century
Early Romanticism
intellectual history


I have studied at the University of Turku (MA 1984, Ph.L. 1990, Ph.D. 1994) and worked here as a researcher and university lecturer since the 1980s, also as a student employee, research assistant and office clerk at the library. Untenured teacher in 1986, lecturer in 1986, 1988–1989 and senior assistant in 1991–1992 at the Dept of Cultural History. Several research grants. Associate Professor (Title of Docent) at the University of Turku since 1995. Visiting scholar at the University of Uppsala in 1989 and at the Herzog August Bibliothek, FRG, in 1997. Scholarly member of the Finnish Historical Society since 1999.

In 2008–2010, I worked as a Professor of Musicology, and after that I have worked as a senior researcher at the Dept of Cultural History, on a research grant in 2012–2013 (FCF) and in the projects funded by the Academy of Finland in 2013–2014 and 2017–2019. In 2015–2016, I worked as a Collegium researcher at the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies. For the academic year 2019–2020 I have had a research grant (FCF), and in 2020–2022 I was a senior researcher in a project funded by Kone Foundation.


In my output, I have mainly dealt with the cultural history of the nineteenth century and the early modern period. Previously my expertise was the cultural history of music; since then I have also published monographs and articles on the Biedermeier period and its literary life, E. T. A. Hoffmann and the intellectual history of Early Romanticism. My latest monograph deals with Turku Romanticism and its intellectual and social networks in the 1810s. Furthermore, I am interested in new materialism.

My academic monographs and textbooks include Musiikkimaun normitus ja yleinen mielipide: Musiikkikritiikki Helsingin sanomalehdistössä 1860–1888 (diss., University of Turku, 1994), Music, Morals, and the Body: An Academic Issue in Turku, 1653–1808 (Finnish Literature Society, 2001), Miten tutkia musiikin historiaa? Johdatus näkökulmiin ja menetelmiin (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2002), Poeettinen elämä: Biedermeierin säveltäjä-kirjailija Axel Gabriel Ingelius (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2005), Salonkien aaveet: Varhaisin kauhuromantiikka Suomen kirjallisuudessa (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2007) and Turun romantiikka. Aatteita, lukuvimmaa ja yhteistoimintaa 1810-luvun Suomessa (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2020). My non-academic books include Sosiaalihuollon, kansanterveystyön ja kriisien torjunnan puoli vuosisataa. Suomen Punaisen Ristin Varsinais-Suomen piirin toiminta 1935–1985 (Turku 1985) and Kulkusten jalanjäljissä. Turkulaisen sekakuoron musiikilliset vaiheet ja yhdistystoiminta 1918–1988 (Turku 1988). I have also edited Nihilismus, Karrierismus und Geschichtswissenschaft. Alustuksia historiateoreettiseen keskusteluun (TYY, julkaisusarja 1/1985), Tunteet ja sympatia: Turun Akatemian väitöskirjoja 1700-luvulta (Faros-kustannus, 2003) and co-edited Henrici Gabrielis Porthan Opera omnia XI:1 (Porthan-Seura, 2001) and Travelling Notions of Culture in Early Nineteenth-Century Europe (Routledge, 2016). The book I have written jointly with Heli Rantala, Janne Tunturi, Ulla Ijäs and Heidi Hakkarainen is titled Kirjojen kaipuu. Kirjakulttuuria 1800-luvun alun Suomessa (Gaudeamus Oy, 2024).


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