Areas of expertise
In Finland, the construction of wind farms is at an unprecedented rate. Knowledge about the indirect effects of these infrastructures in forested areas is lacking, particularly for terrestrial species.
The aim of my project is to assess the effects of wind farm development on mammal behaviour, demographics, and habitat use. The focus of the study will be on two directive species, the wolf and wild forest reindeer. The specific objectives are: 1) to investigate if wolves change their space use following the construction of wind farms, using data previously collected; 2) to assess if wolves exhibit an avoidance behaviour towards wind turbines, by deploying recording devices at different distances and record wolf howls; and 3) to assess behaviour changes by wild forest reindeer, using previously collected GPS-tracking data.
I hope to provide valuable insights into how wind energy affects predator-prey dynamics, bridging the gap between renewable energy development and wildlife conservation.