Linnea Karlsson profile picture
Professor, Public Health
FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study; Centre for Population Health Research


+358 40 744 5052
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

cohort studies
early life stress
prenatal stress
child psychiatry
adolescent psychiatry
gut-brain axish


I did my PhD within the field of psychiatric epidemiology and adolescent depression. During by PhD studies I also was involved in clinical epidemiological studies on adolescent mood disorders. In 2010, we established a birth cohort, the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, with the main aim of investigating the how early life and prenatal stress shape brain developmental trajectories. I am the co-PI of the highly multidisciplinary Cohort.  My own research activity within the larger cohort is focused on the development of the gut-brain axis and child psychosocial development and the role of diverse prenatal exposures in these processes. My activity as a supervisor is also multidisciplinary as the PhD candidates represent, for example, variety of fields of medicine and psychology. I started in the tenure track position at the Centre for Population Health Research in Jan 2021.


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Identification of NCAN as a candidate gene for developmental dyslexia (2017)

Scientific Reports
Einarsdottir E, Peyrard-Janvid M, Darki F, Tuulari JJ, Merisaari H, Karlsson L, Scheinin NM, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Kantojarvi K, Ammala AJ, Yu NYL, Matsson H, Nopola-Hemmi J, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Klingberg T, Leinonen E, Kere J, Kere J
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))