Lotta Aarikka profile picture
Finnish, Finno-Ugric and Scandinavian languages
Doctoral Student


Areas of expertise

Finnish language
language ideologies, dialectology
dialects of Finnish language
History of Science and Ideas
the research history of Finnish dialects


Working title of my dissortation: "The Methods and Ideologies of Dialects in Finland 1871–2018"

My data consist of two sets of data: 

1. 51 doctoral theses that study Finnish dialects or are based on data named as “dialect data” and spesifically those parts of the dissortations, that describe collecting and handling the research data.

2. Series of interviews with the researches, whose dissortations I analyze.

Here are my main questions:

  1. What kind of data has been studied, while studuing dialects?
  2. How has this data been collected and how it has been handeled?
  3. What kind of language ideologies researchers combine with dialects?
  4. How do different researchers reflect their own relationship to the dialect (or area) at hand in their research?
  5. How do researchers in different eras define the concept of "dialect"?


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