Mervi Gursoy profile picture
University Lecturer, Institute of Dentistry
Docent, Institute of Dentistry
Docent (Adj. Prof.), DDS, PhD, Lic. Spec. in Periodontology


+358 29 450 4475
+358 50 514 8124
Lemminkäisenkatu 2

Areas of expertise

Oral Microbiology


Mervi Gürsoy awarded her DDS degree by the University of Helsinki (1999), and then her PhD in periodontology (2012) as well as her qualification as a specialist in periodontology (2013) from the University of Turku.

Her doctoral thesis was “Pregnancy and periodontium – A clinical, microbiological, and enzymological approach via a longitudinal study”, and she has subsequently co-authored various research articles relating to periodontology, oral microbiology and pregnancy.

She has received the Young Researcher award from the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology (2011), the Hatton award (clinical research, senior category) from the IADR/ Scandinavian division (NOF) (2011), the second prize of the Unilever/IADR Hatton award (2012), and the IADR/Philips Oral Healthcare Young Investigator Research grant (2013).

She reviews articles for numerous scientific publications in the field of periodontology and oral microbiology.


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Nuori hammaslääkäri 2021 : Tutkimusraportti (2021)

Koivumäki Jaakko, Chainier Anna, Gürsoy Mervi, Kangasmaa Hanna, Karaharju-Suvanto Terhi, Meriläinen Sirkku, Näpänkangas Ritva, Savanheimo Nora, Suominen Liisa
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))

Gingival Tissue Human Beta-Defensin Levels in Relation to Infection and Inflammation (2020)

Journal of Clinical Periodontology
Meltem Özdemir, Feriha Caglayan, Floris J. Bikker, Pirkko Pussinen, Eija Könönen, Nermin Yamalik, Mervi Gürsoy, Dareen Fteita, Kamran Nazmi, Guliz N. Güncü, Milla Pietiäinen, Mimmi Tolvanen, Ulvi Kahraman Gürsoy
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))