Information Systems Science
Master (Tech) of Software Engineering

Areas of expertise

Human-computer interaction
Location-based games: Educational technology
AI governance
Software engineering;


I have worked as a researcher from 2017 onward in several projects and on personal grants in the fields of education and computer science. In addition, I have experience as an educational game programmer.


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Children in 2077: Designing children's technologies in the age of transhumanism (2020)

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Raftopoulos M., Ramchurn R., Mota C., Papangelis K., Wolff A., Yildiz M., Sádaba J., Thibault M., Buruk O., Baykal G.E., Özcan O., Acar S., Göksun T., Baytaş M.A., Akduman G., Best J., Beşevli C., Genç H.U., Coşkun A., Laato S., Kocaballi A.B.
(Muu (O2))