Information Systems Science

Areas of expertise

Human-computer interaction
Human-Centred Computing
Location-based games: Educational technology
Information System Development;


Samuli Laato obtained his PhD in 2021 from the department of computing, University of Turku. For his postdoc (2021-2024), he worked on location-based games and nature technologies at the Gamification Group, Tampere University. His research topics relate to both human-centred computing and information systems.


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Children in 2077: Designing children's technologies in the age of transhumanism (2020)

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Raftopoulos M., Ramchurn R., Mota C., Papangelis K., Wolff A., Yildiz M., Sádaba J., Thibault M., Buruk O., Baykal G.E., Özcan O., Acar S., Göksun T., Baytaş M.A., Akduman G., Best J., Beşevli C., Genç H.U., Coşkun A., Laato S., Kocaballi A.B.
(O2 Muu julkaisu )