Sanna Huttunen profile picture
University Research Fellow, Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku


+358 29 450 4353
+358 50 466 7856
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

morphological evolution
species conservation
tropical mosses


The main focus in my research is bryophyte taxonomy and evolutionary biology of epiphytism. Most of my research concentrates on tropical pleurocarps, especially those in the order Hypnales and in families Meteoriaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Lembophyllaceae and Neckeraceae. These families are species-rich and very visible component in humid tropical and warm temperate forests occurring often in areas where flora is still poorly studied. Besides morphological evolution and taxonomy, I also use molecular systematic methods for studying biogeography.

Because of shared interest in tropical epiphytes and their morphological characteristics, I am involved in project on functional ecology of epiphytes in tropical mountain cloud forests in Peru. In addition, I work as an expert in the project funded by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) aiming to confirm identifications and to mobilize data on bryophyte collections held in the Herbarium of the University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (PHH) (see link below). (see link blow). Collections in PHH provides an excellent material for taxonomic and floristics studies on Vietnamese mosses, and therefore we also aim to produce electronic identification keys for mosses in Vietnam.

I am a member of the Finnish bryophyte expert group that evaluates the conservation status of all Finnish bryophyte species at every ten-year intervals. This task also includes updating the Finnish bryophyte checklist maintained by Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF; and taxonomic work on Finnish bryophytes.

BIFA project funded by GBIF:

Species expert groups in Finland:

Finnish bryophyte expert group:


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Gene-rich UV sex chromosomes harbor conserved regulators of sexual development (2021)

Science Advances
Carey Sarah B, Jenkins Jerry, Lovell JohnT, Maumus Florian, Sreedasyam Avinash, Payton Adam C, Shu Shengqiang, Tiley George P, Fernandez-Pozo Noe, Healey Adam, Barry Kerrie, Chen Cindy, Wang Mei, Lipzen Anna, Daum Chris, Saski Christopher A, McBreen Jordan C, Conrad Roth E, Kollar Leslie M, Olsson Sanna, Huttunen Sanna, Landis Jacob B, Burleigh J Gordoon, Wickett Norman J, Johnson Matthew G, Rensing Stefana A, Grimwood Jane, Schmutz Jeremy, McDaniel Stuart F
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

A miniature world in decline: European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts (2019)

Hodgetts N., Cálix M., Englefield E., Fettes N., García Criado M., Patin L., Nieto A., Bergamini A., Bisang I., Baisheva E., Campisi P., Cogoni A., Hallingbäck T.,Konstantinova N., Lockhart N., Sabovljevic M., Schnyder N., Schröck C., Sérgio C., Sim Sim M., Vrba J., Ferreira C.C., Afonina O., Blockeel T., Blom H., Caspari S., Gabriel R., Garcia C., Garilleti R., González Mancebo J., Goldberg I., Hedenäs L., Holyoak D., Hugonnot V., Huttunen S., Ignatov M., Ignatova E., Infante M., Juutinen R., Kiebacher T., Köckinger H., Kučera J., Lönnell N., Lüth M., Martins A., Maslovsky O., Papp B., Porley R., Rothero G., Söderström L., Ştefǎnuţ S., Syrjänen K., Untereiner A., Váňa J., Vanderpoorten A., Vellak K., Aleffi M., Bates J., Bell N., Brugués M., Cronberg N., Denyer J., Duckett J., During H.J., Enroth J., Fedosov V., Flatberg K.-I., Ganeva A., Gorski P., Gunnarsson U., Hassel K., Hespanhol H., Hill M., Hodd R., Hylander K., Ingerpuu N., Laaka-Lindberg S., Lara F., Mazimpaka V., Mežaka A., Müller F., Orgaz J.D., Patiño J., Pilkington S., Puche F., Ros R.M., Rumsey F., Segarra-Moragues J.G., Seneca A., Stebel A., Virtanen R., Weibull H., Wilbraham J., Żarnowiec J.
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))