Areas of expertise
Suvi Jokila is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Academy of Finland funded research project "In the urban shadows? An ethnographic and longitudinal study of educational and socio-spatial mobility of youth in regional city areas in Finland" (Shadows) (https://sites.utu.fi/shadows/).
She is also part of Erasmus+ funded "Inclusion+ Tackling the challenges of Erasmus+ mobility inclusion and diversity at higher education level" -development project (2023-2026) that aim to develop practical tools to support students with caring responsibilities and students with disabilities study abroad (more information: https://dev.n3studio.pt/).
Suvi is also involved in KONE funded "Primary Schools Amidst Rural Transition: Oral History of Village Schools" -research project (2024-2027) that studies school memories in small rural schools since the beginning of comprehensive school in Finland with colleagues from University of Turku and University of Eastern Finland.
She co-led International students in times of crisis -research project (https://sites.utu.fi/equalism/) (2020-2024). The aim of the project is to understand international students' experiences in Finnish universities during the pandemic.
Suvi is also involved in and a representative of Finland in ENIS Network (COST Action) on international student mobility that aims to bring together researchers and practitioners.
I teach in the following courses:
- Comparative and international education
- Koulutus ja globalisaatio (course in Finnish)
- Master's thesis seminars (EdLearn-program)