Suvi Jokila profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Education
PhD, postdoctoral research fellow


+358 29 450 3660
+358 50 339 7957
Assistentinkatu 5

Areas of expertise

Internationalisation of higher education
international student recruitment
international student mobility
intranational mobility
rural and regional areas
higher education
private tutoring
justice in education
sociology of education
policy sociology
COVID-19 experience


Suvi Jokila is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Academy of Finland funded research project "In the urban shadows? An ethnographic and longitudinal study of educational and socio-spatial mobility of youth in regional city areas in Finland" (Shadows) (

She is also part of Erasmus+ funded "Inclusion+ Tackling the challenges of Erasmus+ mobility inclusion and diversity at higher education level" -development project (2023-2026) that aim to develop practical tools to support students with caring responsibilities and students with disabilities study abroad (more information:

Suvi is also involved in KONE funded "Primary Schools Amidst Rural Transition: Oral History of Village Schools" -research project (2024-2027) that studies school memories in small rural schools since the beginning of comprehensive school in Finland with colleagues from University of Turku and University of Eastern Finland.

She co-led International students in times of crisis -research project ( (2020-2024). The aim of the project is to understand international students' experiences in Finnish universities during the pandemic.

Suvi is also involved in and a representative of Finland in ENIS Network (COST Action) on international student mobility that aims to bring together researchers and practitioners.


I teach in the following courses:

  • Comparative and international education
  • Koulutus ja globalisaatio (course in Finnish)
  • Master's thesis seminars (EdLearn-program)


Suvi's fields of research interests include processes of internationalisation in higher education, intranational mobility, privatisation and commercialisation of education and questions of social and geographical justice.


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Kyläkoulun muuttuvat merkitykset (2024)

Kasvatus ja Aika
Kuusisto, Alina; Jauhiainen, Annukka; Jokila, Suvi; Korolainen, Kari; Pöllänen, Pirjo; Leppähaara, Susanna
(B1 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjoitus tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Social Inequalities in International Student Mobility: A Systematic Literature Review (2024)

Lomer, Sylvie; Budginaitė-Mačkinė, Irma; Carlson, Sören; Klasik, Daniel; Bamberger, Annette; Nada, Cosmin; Resch, Katharina; Mihut, Georgiana; França, Thais; Samuk, Sahizer; Jayadeva, Sazana; Roohi, Sanam; Jokila, Suvi; McKinley, Keanen; Aerts, Nathalie; Erdogan, Zahide; Yang, Yin; Aguiar, Joyce; Tavares, Orlanda; Härkönen, Anu; Ballatore, Magali; Levatino, Antonina; Kaya Kasikci, Sevgi; Zayim Kurtay, Merve; Courtois, Aline
(D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys )