Doctoral Researcher, Art History, Musicology and Media Studies



Do it Yourselfie – Non-human and Human Embodied Agencies in Self-Portrait Photography of the 2010s

In my PhD thesis I examine non-human and human embodied agencies in the self-portrait photography of the 2010s. I analyse the power relations in visual culture from the point of view of the body: I argue that in addition to introspection and communication self-portraits both reflect and define the carnal ways of being in and experiencing the world. The article dissertation analyses how our relationship with non-human animals is represented, negotiated and questioned in visual culture. I problematize the human-centerednes of the phenomenon and bring the agency of the non-human animal to the center of attention from the margins of the photographs. The theoretical background is provided by feminist visual culture studies and human-animal studies with an emphasis on new materialism and posthumanism. My material is from the field of visual arts and Instagram.

Peer-reviewed scientific articles

Salmia, Tiina. 2018. “Monkey in the Self-Portrait – The Non-Human Animal and the Question of Self-Representation.” WiderScreen 3/2018.

Conference reports

Mikkola, Heidi ja Salmia, Tiina. 2016. "Ihmisten ja eläinten rajoilla. Kulttuurintutkimuksen päivät Oulussa.", TRACE: Finnish Journal for Human-Animal Studies, Vol 2 / 2016.

Exhibition publications

"Näkökulma näyttelyyn: Mitä jos metsässä kaatuu puu, eikä kukaan ole ottamassa kuvaa?" – Inari Sandell: Life Be Like -näyttely 1.4.–24.4.2016, Valokuvakeskus Peri.


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Friends, Cuties and Trash Birds (2024)

Human–Animal Encounters in Instagram Selfies with Seagulls
Salmia, Tiina
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Ihmisten ja eläinten rajoilla (2016)

Trace: Finnish Journal for Human-Animal Studies
Heidi Mikkola, Tiina Salmia
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))