Assistant Professor, Materials Engineering
Areas of expertise
Materials science
Bioinspiration and Biomimetics
Flexible electronics
Sustainable nanomaterials
2D and 1D nanomaterials
The main focus of my research is on investigating the use of novel materials, particularly 2D and metal nanomaterials, bioinspired architectures, and the development of micro-nanofabrication techniques to create flexible surfaces with useful functionality. I'm looking at materials that are highly durable and bioinspired, as well as how they might be used in flexible electronics and microsystems. My research aims to improve the designs of stretchable gadgets and other industrial products in the future by deepening our understanding of the mechanical principles of bioinspired systems and combining them with sustainable materials and micro-nanofabrication processes.
Sustainable cross-linked poly(glycerol–co–δ–valerolactone) urethane substrates and multipurpose transparent electrodes for wearable electronics (2024)
Chemical Engineering Journal
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