Law, Society, and Power

Law, Society, and Power is one of the four focal areas of research at the Faculty of Law.

Law is a influential societal discourse which should be studied in its relevant contexts, as these determine how law is made, changed, and enforced. Law is intimately connected with power and force.

The focal area Law, Society, and Power challenges the conventional legal discourses and the ways traditional apologetic jurisprudence understands law. Law and legal phenomena are investigated critically in their social, historical, political, cultural, and economic contexts, employing a wide variety of methods and approaches. This focal area includes theoretical, empirical, interdisciplinary, and comparative approaches, as well as the internal critique of law.

The current strong themes under scrutiny are:

  • criminal justice
  • law-making
  • migration
  • law and gender
  • different forms of victimhood and violence
  • the development of the Finnish legal culture

Publications of the Faculty of Law

Yhteisvastuu (2017)

Ari Saarnilehto
(Article in a professional research book (D2))

REBUS – Towards Relational Business Practices (2017)

Harri Kulmala, Katri Valkokari, Antti Kämi, Jukka Vesalainen, Kim Wikström, Raymond levitt, Magnus Hellström, Sari Mäenpää, Magnus Gustafsson, Anastasia Tsvetkova, Víctor Sifontes Herrera, Anu Keltaniemi, Matti Seppälä, Anu Suominen, Rainer Breite, Annika Hanstén, Joni Lehtonen, Taru Hakanen, Nina Helander, Mika Kuusela, Kai Häkkinen, Outi Kettunen, Mika Oinas, Sakari Aulanko, Ville Vierula, Susanna Kunttu, Maarit Halttunen, Katariina Palomäki, Tiina Valjakka, Timo Huttunen, Sami Kuntola, Juho Ylimäki, Mika Viljanen, Anna Hurmerinta, Hanna Luotola, Johanna Liinamaa, Johnny Långstedt, Annika Hanstén, Pekka Pakkanen, Leo Lagström, Jari Lehtineva, Tero-Jussi Teppo, Tommi Mäki, Rainer Breite, Mikko Jaskari, Seppo Virta, Jutta Seppänen, Jouni Hartikainen, Esa Viitamo, Mervi Vuori, Esa Viitamo, Mervi Vuori, Mikko Mattila, Antti Saurama, Peter Zettinig, Tommi Keskilohko, Henri Paukku, Seppo Luoto
(Published development or research report or study (D4))