Publications of the Faculty of Law
Newest publications of the Faculty of Law
White-Collar and Corporate Crime in North American and European Contexts (2025)
Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime
(B1 Non-refereed article in a scientific journal)
Consenting to the Use of Emotional Data by AI-Based Services (2025)
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)Proactive Governance: Prospects for Regulating Social Sustainability in Textile Industry (2025)
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)State-owned enterprises and human rights in Finland (2025)
(A3 Refereed book chapter or chapter in a compilation book)Regulations ‘Under the Weather’: Legal Factors of Stability and Change for the Implementation of Natural Stormwater Management in Finland (2025)
Environmental Policy and Governance
(A1 Refereed original research article in a scientific journal)
Avoin julkaiseminen pienten kustantajien näkökulmasta – Opintomatka REDUX-konferenssiin (2024)
(Other publication)Lainvalmistelua sidosryhmien ja aiempien lainsäädännöllisten ratkaisujen ristipaineessa : Tapaustutkimus maakaariuudistuksen lainvalmistelusta vuosina 2021–2024 (2024)
(G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis)The Importance of Theoretical Development Across Historical and Political Contexts (2024)
Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime
(B1 Non-refereed article in a scientific journal)