Sustainability at the University of Turku

At the University of Turku, we are building a sustainable future and well-being. Our aim is to strengthen sustainability in all our activities, taking into account its ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions. The Steering Group for Sustainable Development appointed by the Rector and the sub-groups set up by the Steering Group are responsible for promoting sustainability.

Steering Group for Sustainable Development 

The Steering Group for Sustainable Development leads and evaluates the promotion of sustainability at the University. The Steering Group's task is to develop activities related to sustainable development in teaching, research and social interaction, and to strengthen the University's role and visibility as a pioneer in sustainability.

The practical work is done by the  three sub-groups set up by the Steering Group:  

Together with the community

Sustainability and responsibility are promoted at the University of Turku in close cooperation with the community. The Steering Group and its sub-groups include members from all faculties, support services of the University and representatives from the Student Union of the University of  Turku .The cooperation with the Student Union and its environmental wing is important in promoting sustainability at the University of Turku.

Regional, national and international cooperation

We also work closely with our different stakeholders and actively participate in the development of our region. The multidisciplinary University of Turku has numerous sustainability-related cooperation networks and platforms. We are also members of several regional, national and international sustainability networks (Examples of important collaboration networks below).

In addition, researchers from the University of Turku occupy key positions in the national expert panels on sustainable development. University lecturer Katriina Siivonen from the School of Business Futures Research Centre serves as member of the Expert Panel for Sustainable Development and represents the panel in The European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC Network). Professor Ilari Sääksjärvi, Director of the Biodiversity Unit, Professor of Biodiversity Research, is the 1st Vice-Chair of the Finnish Nature Panel.

Steering Group for Sustainable Development at the University of Turku

Members of the Steering Group

The Chair for Steering Group for Sustainable Development  is Vice Rector Maija S. Peltola and the coordinator is Sustainable Development Specialist Jutta Mäkinen and secretary Development Specialist Petteri Siika-aho.

  • University Teacher Terhi Heino, Faculty of Medicine
  • Student Saimi Herlevi, the Student Union of the University of Turku
  • Director Juha Kaskinen, Turku School of Economics
  • Assistant Professor Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Faculty of Social Sciences and INVEST flagship
  • Professor Jukka Käyhkö, Faculty of Science
  • Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Faculty of Science
  • Professor Jan Löfström, Faculty of Education
  • ​Communications Director Anne Paasi
  • Senior Research Fellow Sari Puustinen, Turku School of Economics
  • Assistant Professor Mikko Rajavuori, Faculty of Law
  • University Lecturer ​Katriina Siivonen, Turku School of Economics
  • Professor Taina Syrjämaa, Faculty of Humanities
  • Professor llari Sääksjärvi, Faculty of Science
  • Professor Satu Teerikangas, Turku School of Economics
  • Assistant Professor Mikko Tikkanen, Faculty of Technology
  • Professor of Practice Jorma Turunen​, Faculty of Technology
  • ​Collegium Fellow Elina Valovirta, Faculty of Humanities
  • Head of Campus Services Anna Vuolle, Facility Services


Regional, national and international collaboration networks

Regional, national and international collaboration networks

Regional collaboration

The University of Turku is actively advancing sustainability in the region

  • The regional HEIs collaboration group for sustainable development - The regional collaboration group for sustainable development is formed by Turku University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku. The collaboration group aims to strengthen the work on sustainability and facilitate knowledge exchnage between the institues.  
  • Working group for sustainable development of Health Campus Turku - The working group for sustainable development of Health Campus Turku aims to promote sustainability ​by research, education and innovations. The member organizations of HCT seek for ways to protect our environment and mitigate climate change through developing their own processes and functions.​The working group has for example organized webinars related to sustainability in laboratories aimed at students and specialists of the fiels.
  • Fair Trade University -  The University of Turku is a Fair Trade University since 2019. A student-led Fair Trade advocacy group works together regionally and nationally to promote Fair Trade.

National networks

National networks and national collaboration offer possibilities to share knowledge and exchange ideas on how to integrate sustainability into the different areas and functions of a university. The University of Turku is an active member for example in the following working groups.

  • Unifi working group fo sustainable development and responsibility​ - Universities Finland (UNIFI) set a working group for sustainable development and responsiblity in february 2019 to strengthen the responsibility work of universities. In 2020, UNIFI's theses on sustainable development and responsibility ​were published to accelerate operations in universities ​​from the perspective of sustainability and responsibility.​​​​
  • Finn-ARMA thematic working group for sustainability -The thematic working group for sustainability  of ​Finn-ARMA (Finnish Association of Research Managers and Administrators) aims to promote the integration of sustainability and responsibility into the activities of universities and other research organisations. The purpose of the network is to bring together experts on sustainable development in the management of organisations and support services and to enable them to exchange information, debate, and offer peer support and professional development.
  • UniP​​​ID - UniPID (Finnish University Partnership for International Development​), established in 2002, is a network of Finnish universities to advance universities' global responsibility and to strengthen their response to global challenges
  • Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC) - The University of Turku is also a member in the Climate Leadership Coalition network and representatives of the university participate in various thematic working groups of the coalition.  

International networks

At the University of Turku, sustainability and responsibility are an important part of international partnerships and cooperation networks. Important international networks in promoting sustainable development work include:

  • Nature Positive Universities -Alliance - The University of Oxford and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced a new global initiative during the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal on 8 December 2022. The University of Turku is one of the founding universities of the Alliance.  The global network of universities works towards promoting biodiversity research and education in higher education institutions, supporting nature restoration in higher education sector, and deepening dialogue and flow of information between higher education institutions. The network is a part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. 
    Press releaseUniversity of Turku Is One of the Founding Universities of Nature Positive Universities Alliance
    Watch video: University of Turku Is One of the Founding Universities of Nature Positive Universities Alliance​
  • UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN​) - An important international network aiming at advancing sustainbility work is the UN SDSN. SDSN was established in 2012 to mobilise global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Paris Climate Agreement. The University of Turku is a member of the SDSN Regional Cooperation Network in Northern Europe​ - Sustainable Development Solutions Network Northern Europe
  • Baltic University Programme (BUP) -The Baltic University Programme (BUP) is one of the largest university cooperation's in the world, with 110 participating universities in the Baltic Sea Region, cooperating for education and research in Sustainable Development and Democracy.
    The Baltic University Programme strives to find novel ways of interaction among universities and between universities and society. The main aim is to enhance strong regional educational and research communities, but also to foster a greater awareness on our focus areas. The BUP focuses on questions of sustainable development, environmental protection, and democracy in the Baltic Sea Region.