Celebration Public Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Technology Time 17.6.2025 at 14.00 - 16.00 Place Tauno Nurmela -Sali, PÄÄRAKENNUS, Yliopistonmäki, 20500, TURKU
Celebration Public Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Science Time 18.6.2025 at 14.00 - 16.00 Place Tauno Nurmela -Sali, PÄÄRAKENNUS, Yliopistonmäki, 20500, TURKU
Congress Intellectual Property and Technical Cooperation in Africa: Law, Policy and Path Time 20.8.2025 at 0.00 - 21.8.2025 at 23.59 Place Calonia, Caloniankuja 3, Turku
Congress WORK2025 Conference - Work in the Era of Unruly AI Time 20.8.2025 at 8.00 - 22.8.2025 at 18.00
Meeting 34th BioCity Symposium: Transforming drug development for tomorrow Time 28.8.2025 at 8.30 - 29.8.2025 at 17.00 Place Mauno Koivisto Centre, BioCity, Tykistökatu 6, 20520, Turku