Guideline on recording, transmitting, distribution and publication of teaching

These instructions have been validated on 14 March 2019 by the Steering Group of the Educational Services of the University.

Guideline for Students
  • The University of Turku is committed to following the ethical guidelines for learning. The University also has its own information security policy.
  • Teaching at the University of Turku is principally public, as stated in the University of Turku Regulation of Studies.
  • Students have a right to record a teaching event for their own personal use, provided that the recording does not interfere with the teaching. It is recommended to inform the teacher about a recording.
  • Copyright and data protection legislation set the following frames for recording:
    • it is prohibited to download a teaching event to cloud computing services
    • it is prohibited to distribute a teaching event in social media or use other methods of online publication
  • Teaching events are reciprocal and include also other persons than the teacher. Their right for privacy also needs to be considered when processing a recording that is made for personal use.
  • The student is responsible of all possible harm that may occur from actions that are against these guidelines.
Guideline for Teachers
  • When planning the course, it is recommended to consider students’ needs to record teaching events. These needs may stem from scheduling challenges, difficult life situations, learning disabilities etc.
  • It is recommended to offer recordings of teaching events using the University’s own digital tools (e.g. Echo).
  • Principally students have a right to record a teaching event. However, the teacher may prohibit the recording for a specific reason, such as protection of patient information.
  • Teacher is responsible for obeying the copyright law in a teaching event. Some materials may be allowed to be used in teaching situations, but not in online distribution.
  • Teacher may remind students about the guidelines: even though recording a teaching event for personal use is allowed, it is prohibited to download a teaching event to cloud computing services, distribute a teaching event in social media or use other methods of online publication.
  • These guidelines do not apply to recording processes that are controlled and guided by the teacher.