Open Seminar - employability of international talents and how we can enhance the opportunities of our graduates


11.10.2023 at 9.00 - 11.30
The International Degree Programme Development Committee that works under the Teaching and Learning Council has started a seminar series on the dissemination of good practices. The seminars are organised to provide an opportunity to have discussions on themes relevant for the running and developing of programmes. The seminars are open for everyone.

The theme of the seminar is employability of international talents and how the university can enhance the opportunities of our graduates. The seminar will be organised on 11 October 9.00–11.30 in the Turku School of Economics, in Ls 01. The seminar will include short introductions and plenty of time for discussions.

Register in Konsta on 5 October at the latest!

Agenda of the seminar:

9.00 Welcome words
– Professor Hannu Salmela, Chair of the International Degree Programme Development Committee
9.15 Presenting findings from HiWe and Cosmo projects
– Professor Niina Nummela and Professor Ulla Hytti

Coffee break
10.15 Role of Finnish language in employability and integration
10.45 What do we offer students?
• Services of the Recruitment Services
• Mentoring programme for international students
– Introduction by Alumni Coordinator Ameya Foujdar
11.00 Programme perspective and discussion

Further information about the seminar:
Johanna Kärki