Antonio Sciacovelli profile picture
Docent, School of Languages and Translation Studies


+358 29 450 3372
+358 50 526 6314
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

Italian Studies - Italian Literature of Middle Age
Hungarian Language and Literature
Italian-Hungarian Cultural Relations
Romance Philology
Translation Studies


Antonio Sciacovelli is Senior Lecturer of Italian Studies, responsible for the Department of Italian Studies in the Faculty of Humanities, and Adjunct Professor in Italian Language and Culture (Italian kielen ja kulttuurin dosentti, 1.9.2017, Turun yliopisto). In 1992, Sciacovelli received his Laurea di Dottore in East European History and Philology (Hungarian Language and Literature, Romanian Language and Literature, Romance Philology, Italian Studies) from the Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (Italy). In 2005, he completed his PhD in Literary Sciences (Romance Philology, Italian Literature of Middle Age) at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (Hungary) (the title of his doctoral dissertation: Per una tipologia “nuova” delle figure femminili del Decameron).Between 1993 and 2016, Sciacovelli worked in the Hungarian Higher Education, as Lecturer of Italian Language (1993-1995), College Assistant Professor (1995-1998), College Associate Professor (1998-2007), College Professor (2007-) of Italian Language and Literature at the University of West Hungary (and formerly in the Dániel Berzsenyi Teacher Training College) and also as invited Lecturer of Theory and Practice of Translation in the Pannon University (Veszprém, Hungary) and the University of Debrecen (Hungary). He served also as Vice Rector for International Relations in the Dániel Berzsenyi Teacher Training College (2005-2008), as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities in the University of West Hungary (2009-2013), and Dean of the Dániel Berzsenyi Teacher Training Faculty, in the University of West Hungary (2013-2016). Sciacovelli has been visiting scholar at the University of Padova (I semester of the AA. 2015-2016).

Higher Education Awards: Award for the foundation of a new University (University of West Hungary, 2008); Golden Ring, Berzsenyi College (Hungary) Rector's award, 2007.

Other awards. Awarded translations: 2013 Magda Szabó, Ditelo a Sofia, Salani, Milano 2013 (awarded by the Petőfi Museum of Literature, Hungarian Books and Translations Office); 2011 Szilárd Rubin, Breve storia dell’amore eterno, Rizzoli, Milano 2011 (awarded by the Hungarian Book Foundation); 2008 Gyula Krúdy, Girasole, Rizzoli, Milano 2009 (awarded by the Hungarian Book Foundation); 2007 Special Jury Award, contest of translation "Estroverso" (Tavagnacco, Italy).


I have a long experience (28 years) as university lecturer in Hungarian, Finnish and international Higher Education, and good competences in teaching History of Italian Literature, Italian Language (Intermediate and Advanced Conversation, Reading), Italian Academic Writing (for Bachelor and Master’s Thesis Seminar), History, Culture and Society of Italy, Translation Theory and Practice. Since I started teaching at the University of Turku (2016), I have gradually approached the Finnish university system, adapting my previous experience to the needs of our department, where I am responsible for the Italian studies curriculum. I have made use of experience of colleagues and international experts in developing my teaching and the preparation of teaching materials. As lecturer of Italian Language, I participate in the Degree Programme in Multilingual Translation Studies. I am the responsible for the Italian Studies in the Doctoral Programme in Languages and Translation Studies (Utuling). One of my main tasks is to supervise Bachelor, Master and PhD theses. I also participate in the annual meetings of the Utuling doctoral school, as supervisor of the PhD students in Italian Studies. Before my actual position in Turku, I taught in the Hungarian Higher Education system. During the last 3 decades, I have also a continuous experience of teaching in some European Universities, as visiting researcher/teacher and in the frame of the Erasmus Teacher Mobility activities (Universities of Catania, Firenze, Padova, Napoli, Udine, Ljubljana, Tampere, Zagreb, Konya, Erzurum). In this way it was possible for me to create, in cooperation with several colleagues, an international network of teaching and research. I participated also in Italian National Operative projects (PON) focused on innovation in teaching processes in the Italian primary school (courses for teachers and pupils), and published university textbooks and coordinated support of talented individuals in specialised colleges (Hungarian National projects).


The topics of my scientific research are related mainly to the Italian Literature of Middle Ages, Comparative Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, Travel Literature. Alongside pursuing my personal research interests, an important part of my work has been my active involvement in organizing research within universities and international conferences, promoting cooperation with partner Italian institutions, as the Universities of Catania, Firenze, Padua, Salerno, Trieste, Udine, and the Institutes of Italian Culture of Budapest, Wien and Helsinki.

In my research monograph “A quei tempi tutto avveniva secondo le regole”. Letteratura e cultura d’Ungheria al crepuscolo della monarchia asburgica (Savaria University Press, Padova – Szombathely 2017), I present a textual analysis of the Hungarian literature between the end of the XIX and the first decades of the XX century, considering the influence of historical, social and cultural contemporary events to the poetry and narrative of important Hungarian writers, as Géza Csáth, Mihály Babits, Dezső Kosztolányi, Sándor Márai, Gyula Krúdy.

In the edited monograph of my doctoral dissertation (Per una tipologia “nuova” delle figure femminili del Decameron, AMBRA, Szombathely 2005) the focus of the analysis was on the definition of the typology of woman characters in the most important work of Giovanni Boccaccio: using an interdisciplinary approach, I noted the importance of female figures in the Decameron, inserting them into the broader question of the presence of women in the social, political, religious, economic and legal life of medieval Italy.

In addition to these monographs, more than 200 of my scientific papers have been published in Italian, Hungarian and French Language. As an invited speaker, I have participated in close to 170 national and international conferences. I have co-edited 9 volumes, including Disincanto magiaro. L’Ungheria nel primo dopoguerra (Luglio Editore, Trieste, 2021, with Gizella Nemeth and Adriano Papo), In viaggio: incontri, percezioni e riflessioni lungo il filo della poiesi (Wydawnictwo DiG, Warszawa, 2020. with Novella di Nunzio) and Letteratura ungherese, letterature ungheresi (Savaria University Press, Padova – Szombathely 2017, with Cinzia Franchi).

Significant research funding and scholarships received: 2015 National Operative Program (Hungary) TÁMOP 4. 2.2.B Talentum; 2011-2013  National Operative Program (Hungary) TÁMOP 4. 2.2.B Talentum; 2013-2016  Curricular and not curricular foreign languages teaching program in National Operative Program (Hungary) TAMOP 4.1.2.D-12/1/KONV.


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Settentrione n.s. Rivista di studi italo-finlandesi, n. 35 (2024)

Settentrione: Nuova Serie
Francesca De Caprio; Alessandra Orlandini Carcreff; Pier Paolo Alfei; Andrea Rizzi; Emilio Patavini; Stefano Andres; Marco Barsacchi; Massimiliano Brancato; Luigi G. de Anna
(C2 Toimitustyö tieteellisen lehden erikoisnumerolle)

Settentrione nr. XXXIV (2022)

Settentrione: Nuova Serie
Sciacovelli Antonio, de Anna Luigi, Cimmino Cecilia, Guerra Nicola
(Toimitustyö tieteelliselle lehdelle, kokoomateokselle tai konferenssijulkaisulle (C2))