Antti Saurama profile picture
Director, Centre for Collaborative Research (CCR)


+358 29 450 2724
+358 40 592 4921
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

maritime industry
industrial value creation
business models
university-industry collaboration
partnership models;


I finished my master's studies in geography (minoring economics) in University of Turku in 2000. I started as researcher in Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku in 1999 with research projects related to economic impact assessments and maritime logistics. From 2002 I was appointed as Head of Unit of the Research and Consulting unit of the Centre for Maritime Studies with task portfolio of new research projects and initiatives, unit staff supervision, PI in selected research and development projects and corporate collaboration. 

Since 2011 I started in Centre for Collaborative Research CCR in the School of Economics as development manager. My focus area was technology and manufacturing industries research project portfolio, quite often in relation to industrial value creation.

Since 2016 I have worked as Director of CCR and also director for corporate research collaboration of the School of Economics. In the current work I also chair TSE committee for corporate and societal relations.


My current research activity is mostly related to business and innovation behaviour and strategies in maritime industry or more broadly technology industries globally. This includes topical themes like autonomous shipping, drones, business disruptions and also corporate venturing together with innovation models. To some extent I am also involved in research in relation to university-industry interaction and models. Planning to broaden my focus more towards digital business and value-based exchange practices.

I also participate as facilitator in various innovation processes and initiatives carried out systematically by CCR, like Business Innovation Camps and International Innovation Camps.


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Three Ways to Sell Value in B2B Markets (2021)

Mit Sloan Management Review
Keränen Joona, Terho Harri, Saurama Antti
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))