Docent, Sociology
How Does Social Capital Associate With Being a Victim of Online Hate? Survey Evidence From the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Finland (2018)
Policy and Internet
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Exposure to online hate material and subjective well-being: A comparative study of American and Finnish youth (2018)
Online Information Review
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Cybercrime Victimization and Subjective Well-being: An Examination of the Buffering Effect Hypothesis among Adolescents and Young Adults (2018)
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
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Trust and victimization: A cross-national comparison of Finland, the U.S., Germany and UK (2017)
Research On Finnish Society
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Does Social Belonging to Primary Groups Protect Young People from the Effects of Pro-Suicide Sites? A Comparative Study of Four Countries (2016)
Crisis - The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
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Self-exploration, anonymity and risks in the online setting – analysis of narratives by 14-18-year olds (2014)
analysis of narratives by 14-18-year olds
Journal of Youth Studies
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Coping with Tragedy, Reacting to an Event: The Case of the Jokela School Shooting in Finland (2014)
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Expressions and Projections of Evil in Mass Violence – Coping after a Violent Tragedy. (2013)
Coping after a Violent Tragedy.
Deviant Behavior
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Local responses to collective and personal crime after school shootings (2013)
Crime, Law and Social Change
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Deleuze and the Theory of Addiction (2013)
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
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