Celine Arzel profile picture
Academy Research Fellow, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Docent, Wildlife Research and Management. PhD

Areas of expertise

Game species management
bird migration
Behavioral Ecology
Foraging Ecology
Wetland Ecology, Waterbirds, Eco toxicology


2021: Environmental ecology EKOL4102 , 3 courses of 2h each: Case studies. Endocrine disruptors, Microplastics, Eutrophication and brownification.

2020: Presenting and publishing scientific data in biology BIOL5203: supervision of 3 students

2020: Presentation of research projects BIOL2003: 1h

2019: Organization and coordination of a NOVA joint course for Master and PhD students on Wetland ecology and management. 3.5 ECTS, course to be hold at Lammi Biological Station, 2-6th of September 2019.

2006 - 2007: 2 weeks, Organization of a training course for PhD students and post-doc fellows: Introduction to R software and statistical treatments of databases, Tour du Valat Biological Station, France.

2006: 6 months, 147 hours, Assistant lecturer in Animal Biology at Toulouse University, France

2005: Lecture on waterfowl migratory ecology to Finnish Master and PhD students at Helsinki University, Finland (as part of a NOVA course).


I am interested to unravel the mechanisms that drive wildlife population dynamic and their habitat choice in order to provide management and monitoring tools to managers and decision makers. I have particularly focused my research on game species with special emphasis on Anatidae. I have studied their ecology , from foraging ecology to habitat use, on their wintering, staging and breeding ground in Europe. I am an enthusiast wetland ecologist passionate about multi-stressor factors affecting the food web structure. 

I am the PI of the WATBRO project funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (2018-2022). WATBRO investigates the effects of water browning on lake ecosystem functioning in the boreal zone based on long-term data sets collected in the Evo area, Finland. 

I am co-PI of the POOL project together with Petri Nummi and Aurélie Davranche funded by Kone Foundation (2022-2025). POOL gathers the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of researchers, artists and stakeholders to provide in depth knowledge and raise awareness on deficiently known seasonal wetlands in boreal forest ecosystems. POOL goal is to propose solutions to raise efficiency of natural management of forestry companies and wetland conservation

I am studying the evolution of waterbird community, land-use and climate change in the Archipelago Sea based on an amazing 40 year bird survey database which I'm helping to safeguard and share.

Finally, I am an Academy Research Fellow and PI of the project DiSRUPT - Ducks as Sentinels of endocRine disRUPTing chemicals in surface water funded by the Academy of Finland from 2020 to 2025.  DiSRUPT is an International effort to study the effect of Endocrine disruptive contaminants in ducks.


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Common Eider Somateria molissima under pressure from endocrine disrupting chemicals (2024)

International Sea Duck Conference
Arzel C., Ask A., Vakili F. S., Lemesle P., Frøyland S. H., Lunde E., Peterson S., Brand A.-F, Zhang J., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Noreikiene K., Hsu B.-Y., Ruuskanen S., Jolkkonen J., Peetumber T., Wilson N. M., Björkman S., Sonne C., Koivisto S., Öst M., Jaatinen K., Mohring B., Jónsson J. E., Hansen M. and Jaspers V. L.B.
(O2 Muu julkaisu )